Effectiveness of using technology in teaching and learning language Submitted by: Md. Ziaul Islam
What is ICT? ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. O While teaching our main focus is on the following three words behind ICT: INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS and TECHNOLOGY
Types of technology we currently have in our school We are currently use the following technologies in our school: O Calculators, whiteboards, O Handhelds/PDAs/iPods, O Specific educational software applications O Computers O Multimedia/ Projector O Digital cameras
Technology infuses classrooms with digital learning tools, to increase student engagement and motivation; and accelerate learning. It always helps shape the learning outcomes of the learners and make them responsible, autonomous and gives them ownership of their work.
Technology also has the power to transform teaching by ushering in a new model of connected teaching. This model links teachers to their students and to professional content, resources, and systems to help them improve their own instruction and personalize learning. To engage students in the learning process, provide authentic examples of the target culture, and connect their classrooms.
Distance learning programs can enable language educators to expand language-learning opportunities to all students, regardless of where they live, the human and material resources available to them, or their language background and needs. In sum, technology continues to grow in importance as a tool to assist teachers of foreign languages in facilitating and mediating language learning for their students.
Embedding technologies to enhance teaching and learning. The following technological tools I’d like to recommend for my section, as they are cost effective and can be easily used and understood by teachers and learners.
Embedding software technologies to enhance teaching and learning. (cont.) O Classroom Blog O PowerPoint O Word Documents O Online Video Streaming O Storybird O Podcasting O SMART board/Interactive Whiteboard O Mobile apps
Classroom Blog O Value of classroom blogs O Great for the beginning of the year O getting information to parents and students O Engaging learners in various discussions. O allows learner to participate in another way other than in class. O follow through with lesson at home O eliminates excuses for not knowing homework O Possible ways to use blogs O Posting homework O follow up discussion on a book or lesson O Building on new vocabulary O sharing ideas O asking classmates questions or for help on a lesson/homework O classroom announcements
PowerPoint in an ICT Classroom O Great for introducing new vocabulary (definition, picture, examples, etc.) O Addresses the needs of visual learners O Helps students who can’t see the board O Change font/color of slides it will save time and is helpful to address student needs.
Microsoft Word
Word Documents in an ICT Classroom O Graphic Organizers/Worksheets/Quizzes/Tests O Students typing their class work instead of writing O Engaging in activities O Great for Kinesthetic/ Tactiles learners (Do-ers) O Helps learners focus O Great for learners who struggle with fine motor skills/handwriting
Online Video Streaming
Online Video Streaming in an ICT Classroom O Short video clips significantly enhance a lesson O Address the needs of visual/auditory learners O Helps students who have low reading levels learn content, yet is engaging to all students
Web 2.0 technology Storybird.com O Story and poetry writing software for English language. O Self generated class for activities. O Can be integrated with Art O Stories can be made with the help of given pictures. O It gives the opportunity to develop the writing skills and expression in creative writing tasks.
Embedding hardware technologies to enhance teaching and learning. (cont.) O Podcasting O SMART board/Interactive Whiteboard
Podcasting O Podcasting allows users to record information which is later turned into an MP3 file O These MP3 files can be listened on computer or uploaded to a class blog.
Podcasting in an ICT Classroom O Very user-friendly; students can record their own podcasts with a few quick clicks of the buttons allowing the majority of this activity to be student-centered. O Addresses the needs of auditory and kinesthetic learners O Synthesizes information
Podcasting in an ICT Classroom cont. O Assesses student knowledge orally O Allows students to teach one another O Great for mixed ability groups O Provides opportunities to learners with Speech and Language Impairments to practice speaking O It is also good for peer or group assessment
Interactive Whiteboard
SMART Board/ Interactive Whiteboard O Connects to your computer to create a giant touch screen computer combined with an electronic whiteboard O Allows teachers and students to interact with the whiteboard to teach and participate in lesson activities
SMART Boards in an ICT Classroom O Engages students O Addresses the needs of Visual and Kinesthetic Learners O Allows students to teach one another
Conclusion Technology based teaching & learning opportunities can increase educational productivity by accelerating the rate of learning; reducing costs associated with instructional materials or program delivery; and better utilizing teacher time.
Adapted from: learninghttp:// learning (Accessed: 08/09/15 BST 9:15 pm) language-learninghttp:// language-learning (Accessed: 08/09/15 BST 11:25 pm)
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