Operations 104 Class 5—Generosity
Recap From Last Week An Ops XP or CFO is … Oversee Admin Staff Budget Wizard Audit Preparer Finance-Investment-Cash Flow Manager Capital Campaign Director HR Manager, Bus Seat Reassigner Risk Manager, Insurance, General Counsel Chief Negotiator Facility Operations, Campus Upgrades Tech Guru, Database & Website Communications Strategy Stewardship Ministry Architect, Master Planner
Guest Lecturer Brad is the President and Principal of Generis. He brings a wealth of experience—a Masters in Theology from Dallas Seminary, professional certifications in church risk management and human resources, former Campus Crusade staff member and Campus Director for Campus Crusade for Christ and elder in his own 4,000-member home church, Perimeter Church in Atlanta. Based on experience and affinity, Brad is drawn to innovative, growing churches and the challenges of helping them expand practically and spiritually. As President and Principal of Generis, he is well served by his experience as a consultant to churches across the nation, a staff leader in resource development for local ministries. Brad’s unique approach allows him to serve larger churches and to coach pioneering into larger capital campaigns.
Class 1—Strategy: Understanding the Culture of Your Church A decade ago, few were talking about “generosity” in the church. Now this topic has enormous currency. What is “generosity” and a culture of generosity? There are specific things that a church can do to promote generosity. Gimmicks need to be avoided and authenticity must be embraced. What does this look like for your church? What are the biblical themes and passages that undergird this concept? Some churches have seen enormous gains in the donation of time and financial resources. How has this happened? This lecture-discussion will examine this significant trend in the church.
Why Generosity Matters The 2 reasons that will shift your people and your church
The Default Church Position If you take no action, you will end up here.
The Role of the Leader Speed of leader = speed of team Includes Board and staff
Giving to Your Church Problem People do not have a giving problem, they have a giving to your church problem.
Not a Silo Generosity is not a silo. It must be a thread that runs through your entire church.
Systems That Make Giving Go A good strategy trumps good intentions.
Normalize the $$ conversation Part of your leadership is the spiritual discipline and formation about faith and finances. Silence is a position (and not a healthy one – it is dysfunctional spiritually)
Emotional Levels of $$ Subsistence Struggling Stable Secure Surplus
Practical Steps Leverage your home field advantage Use the Q1 giving vision statement Coach surplus givers Build narrative Celebrate new givers Know your data
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