Responsibility Content by: Pam Mason Template Design by: Mark Geary Assemblies Bike & Bus Cafeteria Media Center Computers Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1 This is left in the classroom and not brought to the gym.
$100 Answer from H1 What are bookbags?
$200 Question from H1 Students will never do this while the assembly is in progress.
$200 Answer from H1 What is whistle, boo or hiss?
$300 Question from H1 This is how you enter the gym prior to the assembly.
$300 Answer from H1 What is quietly and in a line?
$400 Question from H1 You do not do this when coming down the steps after the assembly.
$400 Answer from H1 What is run or skip steps?
$500 Question from H1 This is what you do when the assembly is over.
$500 Answer from H1 What is wait until a teacher or administrator dismisses you?
$100 Question from H2 This is how a student should bring his/her bike onto campus.
$100 Answer from H2 What is by walking it?
$200 Question from H2 This is the most important thing to do after a student has placed the bike in the bike rack.
$200 Answer from H2 What is make sure that it is locked?
$300 Question from H2 This is the gate that the student needs to walk through when entering or leaving the campus with a bike.
$300 Answer from H2 What is gate 4?
$400 Question from H2 Officer Littles expects all bike riders to be wearing one of these.
$400 Answer from H2 What is a bicycle helmet?
$500 Question from H2 After school, this is the behavior that is expected by the bike rack.
$500 Answer from H2 What is all students in a single file line next to the bike rack?
$100 Question from H3 These are the only doors that students will use to enter the cafeteria.
$100 Answer from H3 What are the west doors, near the restrooms?
$200 Question from H3 Students will always use these when sitting at a cafeteria table.
$200 Answer from H3 What are good table manners?
$300 Question from H3 These are three good table manners.
$300 Answer from H3 What are: chew with mouth closed, keep hands off other student’s food, clean area when leaving the table?
$400 Question from H3 After eating, this is where all students should go.
$400 Answer from H3 What is the courtyard?
$500 Question from H3 This never leaves the cafeteria.
$500 Answer from H3 Who are food or drinks?
$100 Question from H4 This is how you enter the media center.
$100 Answer from H4 What is quietly?
$200 Question from H4 You must have one of these from you teacher before entering the media center.
$200 Answer from H4 What is a pass?
$300 Question from H4 Backpacks must be placed in this area.
$300 Answer from H4 What is under the bottom shelf of books to right of entryway? (the reference section)
$400 Question from H4 Before using computers, students should check with this person.
$400 Answer from H4 Who is the media specialist?
$500 Question from H4 You must have one of these before getting on the computers.
$500 Answer from H4 What is an internet consent form?
$100 Question from H5 This form needs to be turned in before using any computers.
$100 Answer from H5 What is an Internet consent form?
$200 Question from H5 Students should never have these items next to a computer.
$200 Answer from H5 What is food, drinks or candy?
$300 Question from H5 Students will do this if an inappropriate site appears on a computer.
$300 Answer from H5 What is notify a teacher?
$400 Question from H5 Students need to make sure that these items are in good condition before inserting them in to the computer.
$400 Answer from H5 What is a floppy disk?
$500 Question from H5 Students cannot do this without teacher’s permission.
$500 Answer from H5 What is print something?
Final Jeopardy All students must have one of these before being allowed to use the restroom or be in the halls.
Final Jeopardy Answer What is a pass or signed pass log in the planner?