“The Penitent’s Prayer” Studies in the Book of Psalms Lesson 13: Psalm 51 “The Penitent’s Prayer”
Psalm 51 – An Overview This is another Penitential Psalm, in which David confesses his sin and pleads for forgiveness. Other Psalms of this type include Psalms 6, 32, 38, 102, 130, and 143. According to its heading, this is “a Psalm of David when Nathan the prophet went to him after he had gone in to Bathsheba.” (cf. 2 Samuel 12) In this Psalm we see David’s plea for forgiveness, his promise to teach others and to praise God, and his prayer that God would do good to Jerusalem.
2 Samuel 12:1-17 Nathan Speaks to David Nathan’s Approach (vs 1-6) David needed someone to approach him Nathan obediently did what God wanted God wanted David to be aware of and recognize his sin David recognized the injustice as soon as it was presented to him (vs 5-6) The recipe is two men each with a good heart
2 Samuel 12:1-17 Nathan Speaks to David Rebuke – ‘You are the man’ (vs 7-8) Immediately lists the blessings God had given David In return, David had turned against God Taken Uriah’s wife for yourself Killed Uriah with the sword Despised God (vs 10) Given occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme (vs 14)
2 Samuel 12:1-17 Nathan Speaks to David Repentance/Consequence (vs 9-17) David’s only words, “I have sinned against the Lord” Prays and fasts, entreating the Lord to spare the child (vs 16) Is not appeased by the elders or his servants (vs 17) David, his house, even his kingdom were plagued with problems
Psalm 51:1-6 David’s Plea for Forgiveness David appeals to God’s merciful nature… (vs 1-2) Graciousness, lovingkindness, compassion Pleads for forgiveness Wash me Cleanse me David can’t stop thinking about this sin
Psalm 51:1-6 David’s Plea for Forgiveness David pleads for God to forgive him… Based on God’s mercy and loving kindness (vs. 1-2) Based on David’s confession (vs. 3-4) Based on the fact that David knows God’s expectations for sinful man (vs. 5-6)
Psalm 51:7-12 David’s Prayer for Cleansing & Restoration David desires complete cleansing (vs.7-9) Of himself --with hyssop, whiter than snow (Leviticus 14; Number 19:17-18; Isaiah 1:18) Of God’s record -- God’s face hidden from his sins, his iniquities blotted out David desires total restoration (vs. 10-12) Steadfastness of spirit The presence of God The joy of salvation.
Psalm 51:13-17 David’s Promises to Proclaim and Praise God What David wants to do/accomplish in the future, He cannot do without God’s forgiveness Teach transgressors and convert sinners Declare Your praise Sing of Your righteousness With heartfelt sacrifices
Psalm 51:18-19 David’s Prayer for Jerusalem David prays that God will accomplish His good pleasure in establishing Jerusalem (v. 18) He envisions pleasing sacrifices being offered as a result (v. 19)