ICT across the curriculum Lena Arena ICT Consultant K
ICT Projects 2008 Creating WebQuests for the K-12 Curriculum Integrating ICT into the Mathematics Curriculum Using podcasts to engage students in the middle years Using wikis to engage students in collaborative learning in the K-12 classroom
ICT Projects 2008 Using “Hot Potatoes” software to develop interactive web based teaching resources Integrating Technology into COGS Differentiating Data using Census At School
ICT Workshops 2008 MemoriesOnTV v3 Digital Storytelling using PhotoStory or MemoriesOnTV Spreadsheet and Charts in the K-6 curriculum Databases in the Science 7-10 curriculum Creating basic Flash animations Creating a web site Note: ICT workshops will be advertised through inPrincipal
ICT in T&L web pages Support….Curriculum….ICT in T&L 2007 project resources: Teacher developed webquests Podcasts Hot Potatoes exercises COGs units
Other 2008 events ICT Conference end of Term 1– details in inPrincipal early Term 1 Tech-KNOW-Tours to continue and repeated Making Movies 2008 – invitation sent to schools in Term 1
Connected Learning Awards Centre for Learning Innovation (CLI) – Connected Learning Awards Web Design Awards Greeting Cards Design Awards Learning Resource Award On line projects
Useful Web 2.0 online tools Wikispaces Podbean
Useful websites Rainforest Explorer plorer/index.htmhttp:// plorer/index.htm Scholastic FunBrain
Useful websites Teachers TV Comic Life meets the curriculum mic_Life_site/CLindex.htmlhttp:// mic_Life_site/CLindex.html Dream a Better World Channel NSW