Can We “See” God? The “natural” or worldly man does not, and indeed cannot, 1Cor.2:14, John 14:17. Such is not religious arrogance or elitism (as in Gnosticism, et al), but is instead a sad reality born from the words of Jesus, Matt.13:13. He says some “see” (blepo- to behold; to see with the eye) but do not “see” (horao- to see with the mind; perceive), Matt.13:14. Indeed, this is the primary distinction between the spiritually wounded and whole, Matt.13:15.
Can Anyone Really “See” God? Not in the literal sense: – Ex.33:20, “But He (God) said, ‘You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live.” – John 6:46, “Not that any man has seen the Father, except the One who is from God, He has seen the Father.” But in the eternal sense: 2Cor.3:18, “…beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord…” Matt.5:8, “the pure in heart…shall see God.” 1John 3:2, “we shall see Him just as He is.” Rev.22:4, “and they shall see His face…”
Do You “See” God… In the Abstract? As the first and only Uncaused Cause; as Eternal? Psalm 90:2 As Immortal rather than Mortal? 1Tim.1:17; 6:16 As Immutable rather than Ever-Changing? Jas.1:17 As pure Love rather than corrupt Lust? 1John 4:7,8,16 > cp.2Pet.1:4b Those who “see” eternity, immortality, immutability, and love, “see” God. In Nature? Declarations, speeches, revelations, lines, utterances all can be seen and heard, Psalm 19:1-6 “invisible attributes…clearly seen” Rom.1:19-20 Those who “see” the creation, “see” the Creator.
Do You “See” God… In Jesus, the Man/Son of God? Grace and truth are “realized” through Him, John 1:17 He is the explanation of God, John 1:18 He is the very image of God, Col.1:15 He is “the exact representation” of God, Heb.1:3 Those who see Jesus, “see” the Father, John 14:9
Do You “See” God… In the Church? As a manifestation of His body, Eph.1:22-23; 5:23,30 As His holy bride, Eph.5:25-27; Rev.19:7; 21:9 As those striving to learn and be “what is pleasing to the Lord”- her Husband, Eph.5:10 As those lovingly submissive and faithfully devoted to Him, and who also love and care for His children, Eph.5:23-24; Rom.12:9-13 Those who “see” the body and bride, “see” God.
Do You “See” God… In Christians? Spouses, Eph.5:22-33 Parents, Eph.6:4; Heb.12:5-13; Prov.31:10-27 Children who love and respect their fathers, love and appreciate their mothers, and love and obey their parents, Eph.6:1-3; Prov.31:28-31 Bosses who treat their employees fairly and with respect, Eph.6:9 Employees who sincerely serve, Eph.6:5-8 Brethren who love, serve, and are devoted to one another, Phil.2:1-4 > 5ff Those who “see” the children, “see” the Father.
Now, Do You “See”? Those who do not “see” are those who: 1)Are not looking; or 2)Refuse to see, Matt.13:15 They instead choose to see: – That which is finite, mortal, ever-changing, and lustful rather than that which is eternal, immortal, immutable, and lovely; – An evolved world rather than a masterfully created one; – An imposter or good man rather than “the fullness of deity in bodily form” (Col.2:9); – Hypocrites rather than the healed and healing; – Cheating spouses, abusive parents, disobedient children, greedy bosses, self-serving employees, and ignorant sheep rather than the beauty of marriage, the love of parents, the adoration of children, the fairness of bosses, the service of employees, and the dedicated devotion of Christians. What do you “see”- God in all His manifested beauty and glory, or Satan in all of his ugliness and putridity?