Assessment for Student Learning Kick-Off: Assessment Fellows Assessment Coordinators Pat Hulsebosch Ex. Director-Office of Academic Quality August 28, 2008
Congratulations and Thank you!
Assessment Accomplishments Connection to the higher education community Accountability to stakeholders More thoughtful, purposeful teaching and co-curricular (teaching for student learning) Departmental and Unit problem solving for learning Reaffirmation of MSCHE accreditation
Where We’ve Been/ Infrastructure to lead and support assessment for student learning –Office of Assessment (Eileen Mathews and Janice Johnson) –Assessment Fellows and Assessment Coordinators 48 + Units completed the assessment cycle –Approximately 80% of units Developing a “culture” of and for assessment focused on student learning
Assessment of Student Learning: Direct & Indirect Impact Student Learning Programs/ Courses (credit, Professional Studies) Support -Enrollment Management -Administration & Finance -Faculty/Staff Development Co-Curricular (Student Affairs; Office of Diversity & Equity, ATLAS)
Consistent Feedback Assessment for student learning is worthwhile and valuable –Focus on learning –Dept/Unit discussions Longer timeline for quality work needed More examples and support Will it be used?
Where We’ve Been/ Assessment (see Office of Academic Quality: Assessment for Student Learning Draft Priorities and Timeline for AY ) AY Completing an assessment cycle – Identifying program/unit outcomes – developing multiple assessments – using assessments to assess student learning or services for student learning – summarizing assessment data – analyzing assessment data – using data for program/unit improvement
Where We’ve Been/ What’s Next? Integrating assessment with planning, institutional research, accreditation – Academic Quality See chart
What’s Next? (see Office of Academic Quality: Assessment for Student Learning Draft Priorities and Timeline for AY ) AY Completing an assessment cycle AY – Refining and fine-tuning an assessment cycle AY – –Sustaining assessment Cycles of assessment review Academic Program Review Institutionalizing through faculty governance Spring, 2010 – MSCHE Monitoring Rpt
Where We’ve Been/ What’s Next? Assessment How do we work together to support ongoing improvement of assessment for student learning?
Assessment Fellows (AF) –Typically one per division –Fellows appointed by Deans or Provost Assessment Coordinators (AC) –Typically one per dept/program/unit –Coordinators selected by departments/units AF + AC = Assessment Council Assessment Council meets bi-weekly to share, and discuss key knowledge and skills related to assessment cycle
What’s Next? AY – Refining and fine-tuning an assessment cycle o Strengthen outcomes and outcome alignment with unit and mission outcomes; o September (September 15: Council Deadline (to Chairs) o Develop or strengthen assessments aligned with two-three outcomes; o October (October 27: Post on web 2 exemplars) o Strengthen data summaries; o November/December (December 8: Post on web exemplars) o Strengthen analysis of summaries; o January/February (February 23: Post on web) o Strengthen dept/unit program improvement based on analysis; o March, April. May (April 27: Presentations)
Proposed Process and Timelines 1x each 5-6 week period Assessment Council meeting will focus on related assessment for student learning data issues Examples: –Academic Program Review (APR) – being developed by CUE and CGE Pilot self-studies to begin in Dec, 2008; submitted Dec. 2009; reviewed Spring, 2010 –National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) & Faculty Survey of Student Engagement: relationship to assessment for student learning –Data integration and Management systems (technology) – What’s available?
Questions?? Discussion of proposals and timelines Available meeting times Professional Development: Conferences –Sept : MSCHE Assessment Wkshops-Philly (if you’re newish) –Oct : NSSE User’s – SUNY Brockport –Oct : The 2008 Assessment Institute- Indiana University Purdue (Indianapolis) –Dec. 7-9: MSCHE Annual Conference-Baltimore –Feb : Using Assessment to Drive Improvement: College Station, TX ( PROPOSALS Due Oct. 17)
ASSESSMENT FELLOWS (p. 4, Assessment in Academic Affairs) Coach and mentor faculty and staff as they implement cycles of assessment for departmental outcomes including: developing and using key student learning assessments; systematically collecting assessment data; analyzing and interpreting assessment data; improving curriculum based on student learning assessment results. Mentor/coach Department Chairs and faculty as they develop and revise course syllabi, course proposals, and Departmental assessment systems. Collaborate with the Director of Assessment and the Assessment Council to support two-way communication between the Office of Assessment and the college, departments and units. Collaborate with the Associate Dean of Professional Development and the Director of Faculty Development to support faculty and staff development in academic quality and assessment. Support and track departmental progress in developing course syllabi and course proposals that describe assessments that are aligned with student learning outcomes. Support departments in the ongoing development of high quality assessments, collection and analysis of student learning assessment data, and program improvement based on assessment data.
Assessment Coordinators (p. 4, Assessment in Academic Affairs ) PROGRAM ASSESSMENT COORDINATORS Program Assessment Coordinators are responsible for facilitating the assessment of student learning in their program, and the use of assessment data for program improvement. In conjunction with other faculty and staff, develops and manages the program’s/department’s assessment plan and data collection including: Engaging departmental colleague in shared conversations about student learning and assessment, and the use of assessment data for program improvement. Lead the development and periodic review of department, program, unit, and course outcomes. Lead the development and periodic review of departmental and program curriculum matrices and assessment activities matrices. Lead the development and implementation of direct and indirect assessment methods appropriate for the department and its programs. Lead the collection of data about the program and student learning Work with other faculty and staff to close the loop between what is found and instruction. Report the use of assessment and specific changes for posting on the university’s website Becoming knowledgeable and staying abreast of developments in assessment of student learning. Participating as a member of the Assessment Council (AC), Activities include: Sharing information about effective direct methods for improving and assessing student learning Reviewing and encouraging the scholarship of teaching and assessment. Supporting the development and improvement of departmental assessment plans. Providing annual updates of progress and/or achievements (at the end of each academic year) to the department chair, college dean and Director for Assessment. Relaying assessment information to departmental faculty.
Proposed Process and Timelines (see Office of Academic Quality: Assessment for Student Learning Draft Priorities and Timeline for AY ) Assessment Fellows + Assessment Coordinators + Director Assessment = Assessment Council Assessment Council (AC) meets bi-weekly: 1 ½ to 2 hrs. AY AC meetings will focus on one element of the assessment process for 5-6 weeks (bi- or tri- weekly). –Example: Strengthening assessments for 2-3 key dept/unit outcomes (limit to 2 exemplary assessments) –Example: Strengthening data aggregation (summaries) for 1-2 assessments In between meetings AC members provide support to faculty and staff members. At the end of the 5-6 weeks, each Dept/Unit shares its best example(s) in that area by the end of that period.