Name Your Course Add Subtitle 12/13/20151 Template provided by
PREFACE Name of the Course 12/13/20152 Template provided by
Course Guide Give a brief explanation to navigating the course Describe what to expect (sound, visuals, etc.) Indicate where to get help 12/13/20153 Template provided by
Course Summary Briefly explain the content and the reason for the course Focus on the key benefit Explain the changes that will manifest themselves after the course Briefly describe the development of the course (authors, subject matter experts, company description, etc.) 12/13/20154 Template provided by
Audience Identify who should attend Identify who else can benefit from the course 12/13/20155 Template provided by
INTRODUCTION Name of the Course 12/13/20156 Template provided by
Get Attention Gagne’s First Event of Instruction Get the participant’s attention You can use a story, sound, visuals, etc. 12/13/20157 Template provided by
Course Objective(s) Gagne’s second Event of Instruction Select up to 3 business oriented objectives Objectives should be based on SMART goals Goals should lead to the company’s Vision Use Bloom’s Taxonomy Make objectives actionable and measurable 12/13/20158 Template provided by
Initial Assessment Pre-test Use Kirkpatrick's Model Could be used as part of Gagne’s third Event of Instruction to recall prior learning 12/13/20159 Template provided by
CONTENT Name of the Course 12/13/ Template provided by
Review Discuss prior learning, Gagne’s third event 12/13/ Template provided by
Objective 1 – Content Discuss Content – Gagne’s fourth event Provide stimulus to the senses, use appropriate multimedia or activities when possible 12/13/ Template provided by
PRACTICE Name of the Course 12/13/ Template provided by
Objective 1 – Practice Learner guidance – Gagne’s fifth event Can be done through a pop-quiz Can include an “angel” or guide (often a cartoon- like figure) that offers tips and help Can be a case study or scenario 12/13/ Template provided by
Objective 1 – Activity Involve the learner – Gagne’s sixth event Provide interactions for performance 12/13/ Template provided by
Objective 1 – Feedback Offer feedback – Gagne’s seventh event Can include peer feedback Can include comparison to benchmarks Can be part of a pop-quiz 12/13/ Template provided by
ASSESSMENT Name of the Course 12/13/ Template provided by
Objective 1 – Final Assessment Offer feedback – Gagne’s eight event Use Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation Assess against Bloom’s Taxonomy 12/13/ Template provided by
CONCLUSION OBJECTIVE 1 Name of the Course 12/13/ Template provided by
Objective 1 – Continuous Improvement Enhance retention and transfer – Gagne’s ninth event Offer opportunities for review, practice, and ongoing improvement Point learners to other resources 12/13/ Template provided by
Objectives 2 and 3 See Objective 1 12/13/ Template provided by
FINAL CONCLUSION Name of the Course 12/13/ Template provided by
Conclusion Discuss how content led to meeting objectives Offer a picture (vision) of the future Focus on the key change and the key benefit 12/13/ Template provided by
Credits Template provided by 12/13/ Template provided by