Short Stories Short Films. Arvin, Valerie. "Introduction to Short Story Writing: English 284." Introduction to Short Story... University of Washington,


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Presentation transcript:

Short Stories Short Films

Arvin, Valerie. "Introduction to Short Story Writing: English 284." Introduction to Short Story... University of Washington, Web. 05 Nov following notes from above:

Basic Elements from: 0 A short story is a work of fiction 0 Written in prose format 0 Poe is famous for saying that “it must be able to be read in one sitting”

Structure 0 Remember “dramatic structure?” 0 Exposition (intro of setting/situation/characters) 0 Complication (event that introduces the conflict) 0 Rising action – “crises” (moment when protagonist decides on a course of action) 0 Climax (highest interest in terms of conflict / point with most action) 0 Resolution – conflict resolved (moral [remember allegory?])

More Modern Stories 0 Some do not follow patterns at all 0 No exposition 0 Story starts in middle of action 0 Endings may be abrupt 0 May or may not have a moral or “lesson”

We will continue to look at the “genre” By examining similar elements in short films

A film by Michael Evans

Your opinion 0 What advantages are there to today’s social media communication – in particular text messages? 0 Take a few moments and then volunteer your response?

Consider the response … 0 “concise communication” 0 How is texting “concise communication?”

Watch the following short film …

Analysis 0 Can you determine if “Post It” employs the structural components of a short story? Describe each that you observe 0 Another characteristic of traditional short stories according to Poe is that the characters are presented – not developed. Is this true in this film? Support your opinion with evidence 0 If conflict is also an essential part of a story, what “conflict” do you see evident in “Post It?”

Some Questions 0 “seems like you might be waiting for an opportunity” is a line spoken by Claire – how is this prophetic? 0 Is there a moral or a lesson to this story? Defend your answer. 0 One of the characters was an “angry man” – did he add to or take away from the story? Defend your answer 0 Does the last note, “nosey” add to or take away from the film? Defend your answer 0 I don’t know if you agree but this film reminds me of the song, “Happy.” If you can agree, why do you think songs and films with this type of message are popular in our culture?

Examine this image – it is called a “two shot” What does their physical position mirror their emotional one?

Examine this image – what symbolic position has the director given the “guy in the middle?”

Analysis  Write a critical review of the film – fewer than 250 words.  After your first draft ask someone to edit it for you and you edit theirs  This can be done in writing or orally 0 Write a paragraph that describes your thinking process and your strengths and weaknesses when you were asked to write a critical review of the film. Do this on foolscap and the teacher will put it in my mailbox.