Challenges Ageing population brings demanding challenges and puts great pressure on finding sustainables ways of organizing health care. Innovative ICT solutions can increase productivity of health workforce, support informal care providers and contribute to independent living of elderly people.
Aim of the project ENSAFE stands for Elderly-oriented Network-based Services Aimed at independent life. Supporting more effective prevention and self-care strategies by creating a smarter, more accessible and versatile link among elderly, their living environment and support network around them.
How? The ENSAFE system is built upon a layer of existing technologies: Mobile communication Environmental sensing Clinical monitoring
Target group Elderly people with mild to moderate care needs Supportive to their lives, enabling them to live longer independently at home. Informal caregivers Monitor and receive signals during abnormal situations which need their attention. Formal caregivers Access to full set of data, suitable for being linked to clinical data management tools and policies.
Project details Duration: July 2015 – June 2018 Total Budget: €2.1 million Made possible by the AAL programme Four countries in Europe United Kingdom Netherlands Sweden Italy
Participating organisations
ENSAFE activities Initial need assesment and status qua involving users and stakeholders Product and service development User-led design and testing of product and service via living lab approach Service model and business case scenarios Management and dissemination
The ENSAFE solution Should be accesible.. Should be eldery-friendly.. Should be flexible.. Should be open.. Should be fun!
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