Science Curriculum Review 2010. Science   Presentation Outline – –Introduction – –Curriculum Review Process – –Program Overview – –Recommendations –


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Presentation transcript:

Science Curriculum Review 2010

Science   Presentation Outline – –Introduction – –Curriculum Review Process – –Program Overview – –Recommendations – –Concluding Comments

Science   Introduction – –North Allegheny Strategic Plan – –North Allegheny Mission Statement – –Pennsylvania Department of Education – –Curriculum Review Manual

Curriculum Management Team   Dr. Tammy Andreyko – –Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum   Mr. Jack Kernion – –AP Physics Teacher and Department Chairperson   Mr. Jeff Anderchak – –Principal, Franklin Elementary   Mr. Walt Sieminski – –Principal, North Allegheny Senior High Science

Curriculum Review Process   Curriculum Management Team   Curriculum Review Team   Subcommittees – –Empirical Research – –Standards and Curriculum – –Seminars/Workshops/Presenters – –Effective Practices/Site Visitations – –Materials and Equipment – –Data Collection/Electronic Survey   Science Department Science

Data Analysis and Student Achievement   Data from the North Allegheny Report of Student Achievement was analyzed as a component of the Curriculum Review Process   North Allegheny School District students are achieving at very high levels in science based on a variety of standardized assessments, such as the PSSA, PLAN+, ACT, SAT II, and AP   Discussions of current practices across the District, feedback from comparator schools, internal survey questions, and empirical research led to emerging recommendations

Introduction of Presenters   Dr. Tammy Andreyko – –Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum   Mr. Jack Kernion – –AP Physics Teacher and Department Chairperson   Ms. Janet Lewandowski – –3 rd Grade Science Teacher, McKnight Elementary   Mr. Chris Omasits – –General Biology and Physical Science Teacher and NAI Science Liaison Science

Science Program Overview   Philosophy   Course Content Science

Program Overview   Philosophy – –Scientific Literacy

Program Overview   Philosophy – –Scientific Literacy

Program Overview   Philosophy – –Scientific Literacy

Program Overview   Philosophy – –Scientific Literacy Norman Augustine Chairperson of the “Rising Above the Gathering Storm” Committee

Program Overview   Philosophy – –Scientific Literacy – –STEM

Program Overview PP hilosophy ––S––Scientific Literacy ––S––STEM SS cience TT echnology EE ngineering MM ath

  Philosophy – –Scientific Literacy – –STEM   Science   Technology   Engineering   Math

Program Overview   Philosophy – –Scientific Literacy – –STEM   Course Content – –Life Science – –Physical Science (Chemistry and Physics) – –Earth and Space Science – –Environmental Science – –Technology

Process and Content Skills ElementaryMiddle SchoolHigh School Process Content Process Content Process

What is Inquiry-Based Instruction?   “...the creation of a classroom where students are engaged in open-ended, student centered, hands-on activities”   Structured Inquiry   Guided Inquiry   Open Inquiry TeacherTeacher TeacherStudent StudentStudent Problem to InvestigateInvestigationDesign

The Case For Inquiry: What Does The Research Suggest?

 Understanding science is more than knowing facts.

The Case For Inquiry: What Does The Research Suggest?   Understanding science is more than knowing facts.  Students build new knowledge and understanding on what they already know and believe.

The Case For Inquiry: What Does The Research Suggest?   Understanding science is more than knowing facts.   Students build new knowledge and understanding on what they already know and believe.  Students formulate new knowledge when they find their observations to be out of sync with their currently held concepts.

The Case For Inquiry: What Does The Research Suggest?   Understanding science is more than knowing facts.   Students build new knowledge and understanding on what they already know and believe.   Students formulate new knowledge when they find their observations to be out of sync with their currently held concepts.  Learning is mediated by the social environment.

The Case For Inquiry: What Does The Research Suggest?   Understanding science is more than knowing facts.   Students build new knowledge and understanding on what they already know and believe.   Students formulate new knowledge when they find their observations to be out of sync with their currently held concepts.   Learning is mediated by the social environment.  When students are actively involved in the learning process, they learn more.

The Case For Inquiry: What Does The Research Suggest?   Understanding science is more than knowing facts.   Students build new knowledge and understanding on what they already know and believe.   Students formulate new knowledge when they find their observations to be out of sync with their currently held concepts.   Learning is mediated by the social environment.   When students are actively involved in the learning process, they learn more.  Deep understanding allows for a greater degree of applying knowledge to new situations.

Increasing the amount of inquiry-based learning at NA will require...   Staff development   Access to appropriate support materials – –Consumable materials – –Lab equipment   Access to technology

Technology and Science Education

  Support in four areas: –Active Engagement

Technology and Science Education   Support in four areas: – –Active Engagement –Participation in groups

Technology and Science Education   Support in four areas: – –Active Engagement – –Participation in groups –Frequent interaction and feedback

Technology and Science Education   Support in four areas: – –Active Engagement – –Participation in groups – –Frequent interaction and feedback –Connections to real-world contexts

Technology and Science Education   Support in four areas: – –Active Engagement – –Participation in groups – –Frequent interaction and feedback – –Connections to real-world contexts  Research shows that the use of technology only provides a benefit when combined within effective teacher training.

Recommendations Science

Elementary Level Science Program Continue to refine curriculum with a primary emphasis on science process skills 1. Continue to refine curriculum to align with Pennsylvania Academic Standards, Assessment Anchors, and Eligible Content, with a primary emphasis on science process skills and secondary emphasis on content knowledge. 2. Continue to provide general and targeted professional development to elementary science teachers that emphasizes science process, inquiry-based learning, hands-on teaching practices, and content knowledge extensions.

Program Overview Proposed K-5 Course Scope and Sequence Content Grade LevelScience Topics Covered KindergartenOur Land, Water, and Air First GradeLiving & Nonliving / Plant & Animal Lifecycles / Land, Water & Air / Weather & Seasons Second GradeGrowth & Changes of Plants & Animals / Earth & Space / Technology Third GradeMatter, Forces, and Energy / Water & Weather / Earth & Space / Technology Fourth GradeEcosystems / Water Cycle & Weather / Earth & Space / Electricity, Magnetism & Energy / Objects in Motion / Technology* Fifth GradeEcosystems / Cycles & Food Webs / Classifying Organisms / Matter, Forces & Energy / Technology *Science PSSA Testing Year

Elementary Level Science Program 1. Continue to refine curriculum to align with Pennsylvania Academic Standards, Assessment Anchors, and Eligible Content, with a primary emphasis on science process skills and secondary emphasis on content knowledge. targeted professional development 2. Continue to provide general and targeted professional development to elementary science teachers that emphasizes science process, inquiry-based learning, hands-on teaching practices, and content knowledge extensions.

Curriculum Development (6-8) Refine the existing middle school science curriculum 1. Refine the existing middle school science curriculum to ensure continued alignment with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards, Assessment Anchors, and Eligible Content while still emphasizing a depth of multi-modal instruction and learning. Modify the “Agricultural Science” unit in the 6th grade curriculum to ensure a hands-on, inquiry-based approach to this topic which is consistent across all three middle schools. Remove the “Earth Science” unit from the 6th grade curriculum, since it is covered in 8th grade prior to taking the PSSA exam in 8th grade. Remove the “Science Process Skills” unit from 7th grade, as this material is included in the 6th grade science course. Modify the remaining units in the 7th grade curriculum so that a unit on “Human Body Systems” can be added to the curriculum.

Science Graduation Requirements 1. graduation requirements to effectively address the Keystone Exams 1. In conjunction with the Graduation Policy Committee, consider a modification to the North Allegheny graduation requirements to effectively address the Keystone Exams for Biology and Chemistry passed by the Pennsylvania State Board of Education.

Science Course Changes Revise the course names 1. Revise the course names for selected secondary level science courses for pathway consistency. Remove the descriptor “General” from Phase I and Phase II General Biology courses. Add the descriptor “Academic” to the Phase III Concepts of Physics course. Rename the Biology 2 course to be called Academic Human Biology. adding a Phase II Chemistry course 2. Consider adding a Phase II Chemistry course (5 class periods per week) to the science offerings at NASH in the future which will allow Phase II students more elective choice in the sciences and ensure an appropriate course as preparation for the Keystone Exam in Chemistry.

Environment and Ecology analyze and update the elementary and middle 1. Continue to analyze and update the elementary and middle school science course curricula to ensure alignment with the PSSA Eligible Content. Establish shared experiences for all elementary students related to environment and ecology content as part of the Outdoor Environmental Education component. increased student exposure to environmental and ecology topics 2. Ensure increased student exposure to environmental and ecology topics at the secondary level by implementing the following educational experiences. Create an on-line Environment/Ecology unit for each Biology course at NAI which all students must complete as a curriculum requirement. Promote the infusion of environmental education in all the science courses at NAI and NASH as related to the “Big Ideas” identified in the PDE Standards Aligned System. Organize an Environmental Awareness Week at NAI to raise environmental awareness and emphasize the “Big Ideas” identified in the PDE Standards Aligned System. Continue to offer the Environmental Science and Honors Environmental Science courses as electives at NASH.

Textbooks and Materials 1. 1.Elementary Level: adoption of a textbook seriesPhase-in adoption of a textbook series aligned with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards, Assessment Anchors, and Eligible Content that includes access to technology resources. phase-in materials kitsPurchase the phase-in materials kits and annual consumable replacement costs to ensure consistent and systematic hands-on learning experiments at the elementary level (i.e., experiments and activities aligned with content) Secondary Level: gradual replacement of secondary textbooksContinue the gradual replacement of secondary textbooks on a phase- in basis to support the teaching staff with up-to-date resources which will allow for maximum learning outcomes. purchase of equipment and materialsPhase-in the replacement and/or purchase of equipment and materials that support hands-on learning activities and ensure that students receive appropriate lab related experiences.

Assessment Identify or develop periodic local assessments 1. Identify or develop periodic local assessments specific to grade level/courses that align with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards, Assessment Anchors, Eligible Content, and North Allegheny School District Science curriculum.

Professional Development professional development 1. Expose the science staff to a wide range of professional development opportunities which support the research-based best-practices identified in the review process. Conduct workshops on inquiry-based learning in the science classroom. Conduct workshops on the increased use of technology in the classroom. Conduct workshops designed to increase the consistency of instruction across common courses in the district. Design science related programs with North Allegheny’s Office of Staff Development so that all science teachers (K-12) can continue to improve their content knowledge base.

Technology implement the use of technology 1. Work with the Information Technology Department to evaluate and implement the use of technology in the science classroom (K-12).

Careers and Community Partnerships relationships increase the “real-world” approach 1. Foster the North Allegheny Science Department’s relationships with local universities, corporations, and other institutions which may increase the “real-world” approach to science in the classroom. Science – Technology – Engineering – Math (STEM) 2. Focus on Science – Technology – Engineering – Math (STEM) careers and work in partnership with other Departments (e.g., School Counseling, Technology Education, and Mathematics) to increase student exposure to these disciplines. secure grants 3. Continue to promote attempts to secure grants from community organizations to be used by the science teaching staff at both the building and the District level.

Presentation Summary S S cientific Literacy C C ontent and Process Skills I I nquiry-Based Learning E E xposure to Scientific Disciplines & Technology N N ew Staff Development Opportunities C C ommunity Partnerships E E nvironment and Ecology

Knowledge is power. ~Francis Bacon Science
