Lightweight! Stewart Chase Jordan Nguyen Elliott Steen Ben Word the
our Team.
Introduction. Our goal was to make a device that could turn on a desk lamp. We found most of our supplies from Estabrook 13’s ‘junk’ pile and what we already had. And our budget was used to buy some wood and other parts, like nails.
Lightweight! the
Overview. Our device is triggered by pulling a string, which releases a billiard ball. It rolls down a ramp into a box (balanced on its center of mass) that is attached to a see-saw, which starts the series. When the last see-saw is pulled it releases a wooden ball which hits a rotating disk, knocking over dominoes that set off a mouse trap at the end. A string attached to the mouse trap snaps back turning on the light!
5 Steps – 4 Concepts Eight Ball – Translational motion to rotational motion. Mailbox – Center of Mass See-Saw – Torque, force from eight ball is transferred to the string. Record Disk – Conservation of angular momentum, from wooden ball to popsicle stick to dominoes. Domino Effect – Conversation of angular momentum between ball to popsicle to dominos.
Conclusions. It took us around 7 hours of work to construct the lightweight, and up to 9, adding the planning and reports. Some problems we encountered during construction— – Keeping the see-saws in place – Starting the billiard ball (keeping it stationary) – Releasing the wooden ball