What equipment did the people use back in those days These are most of the tools they used. Gold pan Shovel Pick Rope Saw Axe wheelbarrow Knife Windlass Cradle
Meaning of the tools Windlass- it is the one of the slow ways to find gold. It usually was made for two people to use it. ↘ Cradle- is a wooden box. It was used to sifting large amounts of dirt. ↙
Pick- has heavy wooden handle and bent edges on both sides. Saw- is a tool were you can cut with. It has a wooden handle and a melt sheet with sharp teeth.
Who was the first person to make the tools I could not find any information about these heading because these is very difficult but I will continue my research. I am very interested about this.
What was the prices of tools Sorry I can not find any information on this but I will still research.
Pictures of gold tools
Bibliography nt_did_the_miners_in_the_gold_rush_use ipment+pan&hl=en&safe=active&gbv=2&tbm=isch&ei= dDJcTuy7MOWTmQWdv9Ec&sa=N&safe=on&aq=f&aqi =&aql=&oqhttp:// ipment+pan&hl=en&safe=active&gbv=2&tbm=isch&ei= dDJcTuy7MOWTmQWdv9Ec&sa=N&safe=on&aq=f&aqi =&aql=&oq=
Picture links / m/article-page-main/ehow/images/a07/pl/8n/gold-digging-tools- 800x800.jpg&imgrefurl= -digging- pg A92CBC.gif
category&username=Sarah.Edmonds2&requestedurl=http%3A//us.cdn 1.123rf.com/168nwm/kurhan/kurhan1009/kurhan / carpenter-tool-saw-over-wood-plank-- p ix4hf_152.jpg m.au/images/tools.jpg es/qcalifornia/regional/gold_c ountry/mining_equipment.jpg
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