1 Model Data Collection Meeting Announcement Entergy Transmission Planning Summit New Orleans, LA July 8, 2004
2 Goals of Model Data Collection Meeting Ensure greater accuracy in long-term transmission system models Ensure consistency in load forecasting & data submittal –Entergy has proposed a standard format for load-serving entities to submit load and resource forecasts Provide a forum for transmission customers to provide updated information on their facilities (e.g., generator characteristics, plant load data) Provide a forum for Entergy to share with stakeholders its approach and philosophy in transmission system planning and modeling
3 The meeting will cover: Proposed template for submitting load and resource forecasts Entergy’s modeling and transmission system planning philosophy Stakeholders’ concerns and issues regarding system modeling The meeting will NOT cover: Coordination of load and resource modeling with and for external systems –This process is addressed in Entergy’s participation in the VAST and VST study groups. Specific study results or models
4 Tentative Timeline of Model Update Process OctoberEntergy hosts stakeholders meeting to obtain customer input and suggested changes to long-term power flow models Oct. – Dec.Entergy updates models and posts on OASIS Dec. – Feb.Stakeholders provide additional input, suggested revisions, or corrections Mar. – MayEntergy incorporates latest changes into models and coordinates model update with other SERC members via the Regional study groups
5 When:October 26, AM to Noon Where:New Orleans (exact location TBD) Participants: Load-Serving Entities within the Entergy Control Area
6 Load & Resource Workbook Contact Information Demand – System Demand by Bus (Summer) Demand by Bus (Winter) Weather Normalization Capacity (Summer & Winter) Firm Resource Firm Transactions Non-Firm Resources Additional Information Draft Workbook Template Available on OASIS for Review & Comments
7 Contact Information
8 Demand – System Summary Internal Demand Standby Demand Total Internal Demand Direct Control Load Management Interruptible Demand Net Internal Demand
9 Demand by Bus (Summer & Winter) PSS/E Bus # Point of Delivery (Entergy Station Name) Point of Delivery (Customer Station Name) MW MVAr Power Factor
10 Weather Normalization
11 Capacity (Summer & Winter)
12 Firm and Non-Firm Resources Generator Name PSS/E Bus # PSSE Bus Name PSSE Machine ID Jurisdiction Summer & Winter Pmax Pmin Qmax Qmin MW Output Owned Preferred Dispatch Order
13 Firm Transactions OASIS # Customer Making Request Point of Receipt Point of Delivery Source Sink MW Requested MW Granted Service Begin End Status Seller Comments Renewal Deadline Renewal Comments