Our Yoga journey has begun with adventures to the furthest corners of our amazing world. Join us as we experience the elements of space, earth, fire, air and water. Warriors ready for adventure.
First stop …. Space. We bravely entered our rockets... and zoomed beyond the stars Spreading our glowing light.
The peace and silence inspired us to clear space in our minds to relax. Now we end all of our yoga sessions with a relaxation, which is fantastic because relaxation energises us and allows to think more clearly. Whilst it is tricky for some of us, many of us now find it really easy.
Time to journey back to our amazing Earth to connect with nature… trees mice butterflies dogs rabbits grasshoppers
Connecting to our earth energy grounds us and supports us in our thoughts and actions. Nature has a lot to teach us. Tree Pose
Next, a campfire adventure in the forest. We visualised our own special places and recreated them in yoga poses.
We understand that we can connect to our fiery energy when we want to achieve our goals. We thought about times when it would be good to be able to do this. To help me score a hat trick in my next football game! Warrior Pose – fantastic for enabling us to feel strong, focused and determined. To help me keep focused when I am writing a story. To help me speak confidently in assembly.
Next an ocean adventure. Making our bodies move and go with the flow like water can melt any frozen areas. We could all recall times when our whole bodies had become frozen with fear. Once when I was on a trip with my family, I walked over a sensor and it made a growling sound which frightened me and made everyone look. Even though I was crying I couldn’t move because my whole body was frozen.
And finally we took to the air as eagles. Eagle Pose Here we learned a breathing practice called namaste breath which not only calms and energises us but can catch our whirling thoughts too, helping us to concentrate. Ask us to teach you. We are very good at it!
Through our yoga adventures this half term we have learned that we are all the ‘hero’ of our very own story. Although we are young and at the very beginning of our stories we know that our thoughts can shape our destinations. We have learned that ‘we are what we think’.
This is important as we have very big dreams….. Like becoming a strictly come dancing judge … or a tornado explorer.
Achieving our dreams and goals requires positive thoughts or mantras. It’s a bit like gardening our thoughts, planting positive seeds we can water and grow.
Finding a moment of space and stillness to prepare for an amazing acting performance. And the way to succeed … is to practice what we learn.