Vocabulary Relationships Ecosystems Energy Flow Levels of Organization 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
The silverside population would increase. In a marine ecosystem, silversides eat algae, bluefish eat silversides, and sand tiger sharks eat bluefish. What would happen if the sharks were overfished? The silverside population would increase. The algae population would increase. The silverside population would decrease. The bluefish population would decrease.
Fewer sharks = more bluefish More bluefish = fewer silversides The algae population would increase. Think about it! Fewer sharks = more bluefish More bluefish = fewer silversides Fewer silversides = more algae
What is ecology?
The study of how living things interact with each other and the environment.
What is an energy pyramid, and how much energy makes it from one level to the level above it?
≈10% gets to the next level. A diagram that shows how much energy and biomass is available at each level of a food web. ≈10% gets to the next level.
Give an example of an abiotic factor changing an ecosystem.
-Lightning starting fire that clears a forest. -A heavy rain flooding a meadow. -Drought causing plants to die or go dormant.
What is the difference between a food web and a food chain?
A food chain shows one route of energy flow through and ecosystem A food chain shows one route of energy flow through and ecosystem. A food web is made up of several food chains and shows many or all of the trophic interactions within the ecosystem.
What is symbiosis?
A close relationship between two organisms that benefits at least one of them.
What is predation? Which graph shows that relationship?
An interaction in which one organism kills and eats another An interaction in which one organism kills and eats another. The graph on the left shows how the populations are affecting each other.
Name three types of symbiotic relationships
Commensalism (+/0) Mutualism(+/+) Parasitism(+/-)
What are consumers that eat plants and animals?
What are producers, consumers, and decomposers?
Producers: Autotrophs Producers: Autotrophs. Most are photosynthetic and can make their own food from the sun. Plants and algae. *Some are chemosynthetic and those can make their own food using sulfur compounds. Example: bacteria in hydrothermal vent ecosystems. Consumers: Heterotrophs. Acquire nutrition by eating other organisms. Animals of all types, fungi, protists, and some plants. Decomposers: Heterotrophs as well, but these break down dead organisms and this returns those compounds and elements to be utilized by other living things. A cycle!
What are three terms that describe what consumers eat?
1.Carnivores-consumers that eat meat (scavengers are specialized carnivores that eat dead stuff…YUM!) 2.Herbivores-Consumers that eat plants 3.Omnivores- consumers that eat both of the above
What is the term for all of the different populations that live in an ecosystem?
A community
The smallest unit within an ecosystem is a/an_______.
An organism.
Give an example of a population that might be found living in a tropical rain forest.
All of the jaguars All of the three-toed sloths All of the anacondas
What would be the term for the prairie dogs, snakes, and grasses that inhabit a particular area?
A community.
You are performing an experiment to determine which brand of paper towel is the most absorbent. Identify the following: -Manipulated/Independent Variable -Responding/Dependent Variable -Three controlled variable -A possible hypothesis
Manipulated/Independent-Various Brands of paper towels Responding/Dependent- Volume of H2O (ml) absorbed Three Controlled-type of liquid, temperature of liquid, surface upon which the liquid is poured. Possible Hypothesis: I hypothesize that brand C will absorb the most liquid because it has a rougher surface. Rougher material should translate to greater surface area for contact with the liquid.
What might happen if the frog population decreased?
-Cricket population could increase -Cricket population could increase. -Competition between hawks and snakes for mice might increase.
Name an organism that is a second level consumer.
-Coyotes -Snakes -Hawks -Spiders -Frogs
Label each organism with the appropriate level Label each organism with the appropriate level. Mollusks, algae, Orca, Seal
A-Orca B-Seal C-Mollusks D-Algae
Members of population B feed on members of Population A Members of population B feed on members of Population A. What characterizes the relationship between A and B and what two organisms might they be?
- Predator/Prey Relationship -Hawk/Rabbit -Toad/Grasshopper -Wolf/Deer -Wolf/Rabbit
What does the arrow in a food chain/food web illustrate?
The direction of energy flow (where the energy is going).
What is competition?
The struggle between organisms to survive in a habitat with limited resources. These resources include (but are not limited to) food, space, water, & mates.
Explain what carrying capacity has to do with limiting factors Explain what carrying capacity has to do with limiting factors? Can you explain what a graph of the relationship between the two would look like? Ok…do it
Limiting factors are things like food, water, and space Limiting factors are things like food, water, and space. The carrying capacity is how many organisms can live in a particular area. The abundance of the limiting factors determines the area’s carrying capacity.
What are the organisms in the first level of a food chain or food web called?
Producers (autotrophs)
If a hawk eats mice and mice eat insects, and the insects eat plants, what level is the hawk?
Third (tertiary)-level consumer (also apex predator or top-level carnivore).