VISUAL VOCABULARY SLIDES ( DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENERGY-DIKE) Fatmeh Ali Dr. Janell Simpson AP Environmental Science 2 April 2012
Department of Energy(DOE) A U.S. Government agency created in 1977 with the goal of advancing the energy and economic security of the United States Application: Sustainability, Economics, and Equality
Deposition The accumulation or depositing of eroded material such as sediment, rock fragments, or soil Application: Earth Systems
Desalination Definition: The process of removing the salt from salt water Application: Water Resources
Desertification Definition: The transformation of arable, productive land to climate change or destructive land use Application: Industrial Farming Methods
Detritivore Definition: An organism that specializes in breaking down dead tissues and waste products into smaller particles Application: Energy Flows through the Ecosystem
Developing Country Definition: A country with relatively lOW levels of industrialization and income Application: The Human Population
Developed Country Definition: A country with relatively HIGH levels of industrialization and income Application: The Human Population
Development Definition: Improvement in human well-being through economic advancement Application: Resource Depletion
Die-off Definition: A rapid decline in a population due to death Application: Population and Community Ecology
Dike Definition: A structure built to prevent ocean waters from flooding adjacent land Application: Water Resources