OUR WORLD RIGHT NOW Water and sanitation crisis and progress Food, energy, urbanization, finances, development Need for collaboration, understanding, solutions and commitments TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY SECURING WATER ENSURES A BETTER FUTURE FOR THE GENERATIONS TO COME.
A worldwide network with wide-ranging competencies that facilitates water policy dialogues and motivates actions THE COUNCIL TODAY TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY
OUR AMBITION TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY EXPLORE DISCUSS BRING TOGETHER Identify future challenges Raise political awareness Provide a platform for the water community
Catalyzing collective action during and in between each World Water Forum Bringing people together through active hydro-politics Exploring new ideas and concepts FOCUS FOR TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY
The United Nations system National Governments Parliaments Local Authorities Active hydro-politics A STRATEGIC APPROACH TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY
The Right to Water Water, Food and Energy Water for Health and Nature Climate and water-related disasters Water, demography and urban development Water and Green Growth IWRM A STRATEGIC APPROACH TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY New ideas and concepts
TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY The World Water Forum is the largest international event in the field of water. 20,000 registered participants from over 170 countries attended the last edition in Marseille. THE WORLD WATER FORUM
THE WORLD WATER FORUMS TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY 500 (63 countries) 5700 (114 countries) 24,000 (130 countries) 20,000 (150 countries)25,000 (192 countries) 35,000 (173 countries)
TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY THE WORLD WATER FORUM It raises awareness of politicians, leaders and the public on water issues and solutions, connects the political and the technical
TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY THE WORLD WATER FORUM Objectives: Gather all stakeholders together to debate questions related to water, its management and access Formulate concrete proposals and encourage action and solutions Solicit true and lasting political commitment A platform for debates and exchange on questions that are relevant for improved water management and access to water supply and sanitation An open and constructive place for discusssion Connecting Political -Technical – NGOs – Citizens – SH’s
TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY THE WORLD WATER FORUM The Forum is not just a week long event. It necessitates years of preparation to achieve balanced and useful interaction. Thematic ProcessPolitical processes Regional ProcessScience and Technology Process NEW
TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY THE WORLD WATER FORUM Changes are first and foremost of a political nature and must be found by reinforcing dialogue between: Governments Parliamentarians Local Authorities Intergovernmental Organisations / United Nations NGOs / Civil Society / Users Public and Private Companies Professionals / Scientists / Experts
THE WORLD WATER FORUM TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY Thematic Process Commission Regional Process Commission Political Process Commission Science & Technology Process Commission 7 th World Water Forum Secretariat 7 th World Water Forum Secretariat National Committee (NC) National Committee (NC) World Water Council (WWC) World Water Council (WWC) International Steering Committee (ISC) 7 th World Water Forum Organizational Structure Process Commissions Cit izen s & Youth Forum Expo & Fair Water prizes Side Events
THE WORLD WATER FORUM TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY 15 Political Process: A multi-level approach Ministerial Process Parliamentarians Process Local Authorities Process Thematic Process Input Regional Process Input Declarations & Outputs
THE WORLD WATER FORUM TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY 16 Political Process: Local and Regional Authorities Statement from the Budapest Water Summit will provide a sound starting point Focus on the post-2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals Preparation will be carried out through a series of PrepComs Political Process: Ministerial Conference Political Process: Parliamentarian Process Will depend on Regional synergies Development of a Parliamentarian HelpDesk Mechanism Will depend on Regional synergies Further Development of the Istanbul Water Consensus
Hierarchy Theme Progress Working Group Slogan → Theme → Issue → Session Design Group: Theme Session Group: Issue and Session Special Group: Special Program Slogan Action Goals Water security for allWater for development and prosperity Water for sustainability : hamonizing humans and nature Action Tools Constructing feasible implementation mechanisms
World Water Forum 7: Thematic Framework 1. Water Security for All - Enough Safe Water for All -Integration sanitation for all - Adapting to change: managing risk and uncertainty for Resilience and Disaster preparedness - Infrastructure for sustainable water resources management and services 2. Water for Development and Prosperity -Water for Food - Water for Energy -Water and Cities 3. Water for Sustainability: Harmonizing humans & nature -Green Growth: stewardship and industry -Managing & Restoring Eco systems for Water Services and Biodiversity -Ensuring Water Quality from Ridge to Reef -SMART implementation of IWRM 4. Constructing Feasible Implementation mechanisms - Economics and Financing for Innovative Investments - Effective governance: Enhanced political decisions, stakeholder participation, & tech Info - Cooperation for reducing conflict and improve transboundary water management - Water Culture, Justice and Equity - Enhancing Education and Capacity Building
WWF7 Regional Process: Americas South America North America Central America & Caribbean Sub Groups
To WWF7: Milestone Americas Meetings
THE WORLD WATER FORUM TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Kick-off Meeting (13-15 May 2013) Kick-off Meeting (13-15 May 2013) 21 Roadmap Request for Water Expo and other events Request for Water Expo and other events 2 nd SCM (27-28 Feb. 2014) 2 nd SCM (27-28 Feb. 2014) 7 th World Water Forum (12-17 April 2015) 7 th World Water Forum (12-17 April 2015) Registration Call for Side-Events
THE WORLD WATER FORUM TOGETHER WE MAKE WATER A GLOBAL PRIORITY 2 nd SCM (Stakeholders Consultation Meeting) Date Feb Location Gyeongju, Gyeongbuk Province / Korea Objective To further detail the current framework and its components To identify working groups for content development, program development, operation & session operation → Everyone can get involved. Program available at