Lesson 4 1 Looking closer at the input elements Learn how the initial demand was created for Switzerland Create a single agent using MATSim tools (the API) Creating a synthetic scenario for Switzerland plans network facilities output execution replanning scoring controler analyses input config
Switzerland 2
The Zurich Scenario Mio agents Planning network Motorized individual transport & pt simulation
4 A New Bypass Around Zurich Assessment of accompanying measures (traffic signals etc.) => Creation of Switzerland scenario -> cutting out Zurich scenario
Why Do I Show You This? 5 Population and initial demand generation very important component very time intensive similar procedures for different study regions get a feeling of what is needed
The Network 6 Planning networks and navigation networks OpenStreetMap Cleaning tools: org.matsim.core.network.algorithms.*
The Population 7 Swiss census of population (total population survey ~7.5 Mio.) Socio-demographics Home (hectare) and work location (municipality) or... population synthesizers if you only have the marginal distributions
The Travel Demand 8 Swiss national travel survey (sample n = 30’000) Complete day chains Activities, durations, modes, … Population + travel demand = MATSim plans
The Activity Locations (Facilities) 9 Swiss Business census => work, shop, leisure, education activities Swiss census (or any dwelling register) => home locations Manual data collection: opening hours can be specified individually in the facilities file
10 The Count Data for Validation Lesson 5