> 1 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action Philippe Calcagno & Patrick Ledru BRGM, Orléans, France engine.brgm.fr ENGINE Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006
> 2 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Summary > Information System goals and deliverables > ENGINE Web site > Conferences & workshops management policy > Publication policy > Conclusion
> 3 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Information System Partners > GeoForschungsZentrumPostdam Germany > Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse Italy > Geologijos Ir Geografijos Institutas Lithuania > Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Denmark > University of Oradea Romania > BRGM France > GEOWATT AG Switzerland WP2
> 4 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Information System Goals > Help for meetings organization > Communication among the partners > Compilation of the partners relevant works > Publication of the results of the community > Training and education material > Dissemination
> 5 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Information System Deliverables > Tools and methods for meetings organization > Access to the compilation work of the Work Packages > Access to information and publications > Web site
> 6 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 ENGINE Web site >
> 7 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 ENGINE Web site Hosting > Main site hosted by BRGM > Meetings management hosted by ariantis.fr >
> 8 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Conferences & workshops management policy Requirements > Find out past and future meetings program, date, location, etc. > Register for a meeting > Submit abstract > Review proposed abstracts > Access the proceedings of past meetings
> 9 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Conferences & workshops management policy Tools > Project management (tasks, s, calendar, documents, contacts, appointments) eProjet (commercial software) OpenXChange (open source, Camelia project) > Conference management (single conference) COMMENCE Conference Management System Open Conference System
> 10 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Conferences & workshops management policy InDiCo > INtegrated DIgital COnference > EU funded project (IST ) > > Partners: SISSA (Trieste, Italy) Udine University (Udine, Italy) TNO (Netherlands) University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) >
> 11 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Conferences & workshops management policy InDiCo Capabilities & Users > Multiple conferences management > Open-source GNU GPL licence > > In production CERN ( 10th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and future Experiments 2004 International Workshop on African Research & Education Networking 2005
> 12 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Conferences & workshops management policy InDiCo User Side
> 13 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Conferences & workshops management policy InDiCo Management Side
> 14 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Conferences & workshops management policy Forthcoming Meetings > 27-28/04/ Workshop 1 Defining, exploring, imaging and assessing reservoirs for potential heat exchange Organisation: GFZ, Potsdam, Germany > 29/06-1/07/ Workshop 3 Stimulation of reservoir and induced microseismicity Organisation: Geowatt, Zurich, Switzerland > Information System Special meeting This afternoon, 14:30 – 16:00 D2 - 1st floor - 117
> 15 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Publication policy Conferences & Workshops Publishing > brgm editions
> 16 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Publication policy Newsletter
> 17 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Publication policy Workpackages Results > Coordinating the publication of WP’s results > WP’s Delegates for the Information System
> 18 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 Next to do > Help for the next Workshops & Conferences organization > Improve the Web site contains > Work on training and education >...
> 19 The information system of the ENGINE co-ordination action, Launching conference, Orléans, France, 15/02/2006 > The Information System will be a success with the help of all the ENGINE Partners…