C-ATM User Group and ASAS…….. Presented on Behalf of the C-ATM User Group Billy Josefsson, LFV Group ASAS Thematic Network 2, Malmö 2005-09-26/28.


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Presentation transcript:

C-ATM User Group and ASAS…….. Presented on Behalf of the C-ATM User Group Billy Josefsson, LFV Group ASAS Thematic Network 2, Malmö /28

Co-operative Air Traffic Management  European Commission 6th Framework Project:  Improve safety, use available capacity in all weather conditions, create additional capacity, manage uncertainty  Integrate current research  Gate-to-gate (off-blocks to in-blocks):  Separation management aided by Airborne Separation Assistance System  4D trajectory-based cooperative flight management  Collaborative traffic flow management  An initial step to 2020:  Deployment from 2012  Credibility – it is technically feasible C-ATM Introduction 4-D based Co-operative Flight Management Collaborative Traffic Flow Management Separation Management & ASAS

Co-operative Air Traffic Management Stakeholder Involvement  22 partners  Airlines, Air Navigation Service Providers, Ground System Industry, Airframe Manufacturer, Avionics, R&D Agencies  User Group  Airlines, Air Navigation Service Providers, Airports  Linking with Eurocontrol  DMEAN  OCD and Conops 2011  OATA use cases and scenarios User Group

Co-operative Air Traffic Management Introducing the UG  C-ATM… something special “Co-operative” is key  C-ATM User Group… UG with a difference Airspace users, ANS providers, airports Hoped for outcome: consolidated views and expectations of all major ATM partners Good support right from the start (except from airports)  Instruction to the UG: be independent in thinking, trying to set own Agenda  SKYGUIDE,DLH,BA,AF,DFS,LFV,NAVIAIR,NATS,AENA, ZURICH, SAS Group, Eurocontrol, MUAC, ENAV, DSNA,….

Co-operative Air Traffic Management Operational Concept Discussion and Re view Linking stakeholders Linking constrained platforms Strategic, pre-tactical and tactical planning – balancing demand against capacity; the network operations plan Managing the network collaboratively, with local traffic management rebalancing and synchronising traffic flows Flexible use of airspace Collaboratively agreed arrival & departure sequences 4D trajectory plan & target time-driven processes Decision support tools & separation management supported by task sharing between controller & pilot

Co-operative Air Traffic Management User objectives document (UOD)  Contains consolidated user requirements, observations and issues based on a merged view from Airline – ANSP and Airport  Version 1.0 released issue available  STRUCTURE -analysis and statements -recommendations to consider -areas for improvements

Co-operative Air Traffic Management “Paradigm change” Operations  2.1.1The overall principle should promote every strategy that ensures meeting the schedule at gate at destination. This is an important shift away from current efforts focused on “on time departure” and the exact implications need further discussion.  2.1.2Airline Operational Control and Airport Operations Control should be integrated in the concept.  2.2.8Common situational awareness should ensure a clear view of the operation as a whole for all ATM partners, with clear focus on the sub-set of information of concern to the given partner.

Co-operative Air Traffic Management To consider.…&….link to ASAS  A2 -The concept should not necessarily require a ground infrastructure as it currently exists.  A14-Aircraft trajectories should be represented in both airborne and ground systems in a way that results in identical interpretation and high accuracy (consistency between air and ground).  A16-In a C-ATM environment ANSPs should have access, as early as possible before actual off- block time, to the aircraft’s intended high reliability 4D plan.

Co-operative Air Traffic Management Improvements SAFETY related & link to ASAS  A2.1.1 Applicable standards and procedures do not make full use of existing capabilities.  A2.1.3Today’s airborne situational awareness limited to mental picture obtained from listening on the radio.  A2.1.4 Non-harmonized procedures.

Co-operative Air Traffic Management Improvements COST related & link to ASAS  A2.2.1ATM processes today, poor automation and information sharing as well as inefficient task and responsibility distribution, lead to unnecessarily high costs and fees.

Co-operative Air Traffic Management Improvements EFFICIENCY related & link to ASAS  A2.3.3In the current system task allocation between air and ground cannot be optimised further.  A2.3.5The system does not provide the flexibility required for efficient use of the aircraft fleet, airspace and ATM capacity.  A Separation minima and procedures do not fully reflect modern aircraft capabilities.  A Inability of the air transport industry to agree on strategy and required equipage

Co-operative Air Traffic Management CATM UG & ASAS, a tentative conclusion  C ATM User Group did not specifically address ASAS  However, The User Group requirements and statements maps nicely to an environment where ASAS applications are an enabler

Co-operative Air Traffic Management Review of the User Group performance and set-up  UG good example of how difficult things can be…  Slow progress often frustrating May result in loss of support from some members Commendable purpose not enough to compensate for a lack of progress  The need for a group with a task similar to that of the C-ATM UG was not in doubt Will be true also for future programs

Co-operative Air Traffic Management Clues  Increased understanding of each actors requirements & constraints  Acceptance of each others position and possibilities  Collaborate to find out the best way forward  Challenge is to keep this process going!

Thank You! User Group

Co-operative Air Traffic Management

Co-operative Air Traffic Management Constituent Parts … Flexible use of airspace Linking stakeholders Linking constrained platforms Collaboratively agreed arrival & departure sequences Strategic, pre-tactical and tactical planning – balancing demand against capacity; the network operations plan 4D plan & target Time-driven processes And Trajectory control Managing the network collaboratively, with local traffic management rebalancing and synchronising traffic flows Trajectory Decision support Tools & separation management supported by task sharing between controller & pilot Special Use Airspace

Co-operative Air Traffic Management ….…&….ASAS  OPTIONAL slides

Co-operative Air Traffic Management Successes and problems  Where we were not completely successful Delivery of the UOD very late Airport input achieved but rather late Ambition to be proactive but we had to work hard to be synchronized with the project itself  Our achievements UOD agreed after a lot of work  Represents the views of the major ATM partners  Can still be improved UG members have developed trust and mutual respect  Good discussions, even if at times slow progress

Co-operative Air Traffic Management

Co-operative Air Traffic Management C-ATM – Overall Scope Downlink of Aircraft Parameters Controller to Pilot Data-Link Communication ADS-B Ground Station 4D Trajectory Downlink ADS-B Enhanced Ground Surveillance ASAS Applications Ground-Ground Interoperability System Wide Information Management ATC Enhanced Trajectory Prediction CFMU 4D based Co- operative Flight Managemen t Airport Airline AOC Collaborative Decision Making TWR Co-operative ATM