Fleet Management Solutions Powered by Ctrack AJ Shaw
International Reach Ctrack is a International Mobile Asset Tracking, Management & Information Solutions Company. Expertise in fleet & heavy vehicles, insurance, mining and government
What are the benefits of a Ctrack solution? Ensure Worker Safety – Providing employer price of mind Always Visible - Intelligent vehicle tracking solutions Improved Fleet & Productivity Efficiency Compliance across Australian Government and State and Territory Road Agencies
Employee Safety
Driver Behaviour Indicator. Provides immediate feedback to Driver on performance KPA reporting is available to assist management in recognising driver fleet performance Utilising Satellite and 3G technology drivers have the security of a panic button when required Live Driver Fatigue Monitoring Exception Reporting & 14 day planning tool Maximise safety for employee’s: seat belt roll over & impact sensors System Alarm Codes can ensure Management Company wide are alerted on an incident (roll over) via Mobile or
Commercial in Confidence Live System Alerts VIA the Ctrack System The system can provide live system alerts via Alarms and SMS event alarms
Always Visible
GLOBAL REACH Fleet & Asset Visibility
Commercial in Confidence Vehicle polling Driving Behaviour DTC Codes Mobi V3.0 View your trips (including speed, distance) Visually locate your vehicle Poll your vehicle Weekly graphical data available based on driver performance Receive feedback on engine diagnostic trouble codes & MIL events Business Private Usage Based on historical data the driver can nominate each trip
Improved Fleet & Productivity Efficency
GLOBAL REACH Maintenance Application Green Fleet Access to engine data enables fleet operators to report on a wide range of metrics including: Fuel consumption, kilometres for litre, excessive RPM, green band driving and harsh acceleration and braking. Effectively identify areas of improvement within their vehicle operation to drive down overheads and minimise environmental impact. Service Scheduling via kilometres, engine hours and time parameters
GLOBAL REACH KPA Dashboard – Management Team Fleet Manager Finance, WHS, Maintenance Daily Operations Fleet Operators Daily Scheduling Scheduled Reports weekly/monthly Live System Alerts / Alarms Immediate reporting to determine events General - Reporting profile example
Commercial in Confidence DBI KPA Dashboard – Management view
Commercial in Confidence Example Reporting
Commercial in Confidence Example Reporting
Commercial in Confidence Alarm Events
Regulatory Compliance – Heavy Vehicles
The TCA National Telematics Framework (integrated system of information, communications, and sensor capabilities) provides a nationally agreed environment to support the current and future telematics needs of governments. This ensures that public and private benefits can be realised Transport Certification Australia Limited (TCA) is a public company established under the Corporations Act. The Constitution provides for nine Members, comprising the Australian Government and State and Territory Road Agencies Electronic Work Diary (EWD ) Intelligent Access Program (IAP) On-Board Mass (OBM) Road User Charges
Case Study
GLOBAL REACH Salvation Army Fleet Tool Driver ID Vehicle locations / job allocations Vehicle pools allocation Call centre operators Infringements Exception Reports POI Reporting System alerts Drivers MOBI access Driver ID 2 nd Driver to assist with directions Management KPA dashboard focus on Driver Behaviour Servicing reminders via Odometer / Hours
Thank You!!! AJ Shaw