Welcome To The Workshop On The IDC Recommendations For A EU HPC Strategy
Introduction: Logistics We have a very tight agenda (as usual) Please help us keep on time! Review handouts Note: We will post most of the presentations on the web site Please complete the evaluation form
Agenda 09:00Welcome/Introductions, EU Commission Officials 09:15Welcome/Introductions, Anwar Osseyran, SARA 09:30Overview of the EU IDC HPC Strategy Findings and Recommendations, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway 10:00Ideas about the Future of HPC in Europe, Bernhard Fabianek 10:30Break 10:45Panel Discussion #1: EU User Perspectives, Ideas and Suggestions on Why an Expanded EU HPC Strategy is Needed 11:30Panel Discussion #2: Ideas, Suggestions on How to Best Implement the Proposed Plan for an Expanded EU HPC Strategy 12:00Workshop Ends
PANEL 1: WHY EUROPE NEEDS AN EXPANDED HPC STRATEGY? Moderator: Steve Conway, IDC Panelists : Axel Berg, SARA Richard Blake, Daresbury Laboratory Arndt Bode, Technical University of Munich Friedel Hossfeld, Forschungszentrum Juelich Herve Mouren, Teratec Stephane Requena, GENCI Anwar Osseyran, SARA Marie-Christine Sawley, ETH Zurich - CERN
Panel One Questions 1. From 2007 to 2009, European investments in large supercomputers fell behind while other areas of the world increased their investments. What could happen if Europe continued to under-invest in large supercomputers?
Panel One Questions 2. How important is it for Europe as a whole to pursue HPC leadership? Can Europe compete with the U.S., China and Japan only through the programs of individual nations in Europe?
Panel One Questions 3. How important is it for Europe to pursue leadership in specific areas of science, industry and HPC technology – rather than try to be a leader in every area? What are some of these areas?
PANEL 2: HOW SHOULD EUROPE IMPLEMENT THE HPC STRATEGY? Moderator: Earl Joseph, IDC Panelists : Axel Berg, SARA Richard Blake, Daresbury Laboratory Arndt Bode, Technical University of Munich Friedel Hossfeld, Forschungszentrum Juelich Herve Mouren, Teratec Stephane Requena, GENCI Anwar Osseyran, SARA Marie-Christine Sawley, ETH Zurich - CERN
Panel Two Questions 1. What are the most important things Europe should do to implement the HPC strategy?
Panel Two Questions 2. What are the most important things for Europe to avoid while implementing the HPC strategy?
Panel Two Questions 3. The surveys IDC did for the EU HPC project showed overwhelming support for giving industry access to large HPC systems. How should this happen?
Thank You For Attending The Workshop On The IDC Recommendations For A EU HPC Strategy
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