WELCOME TO SIXTH GRADE! MS. DUST~Reading & Language Arts Graduated from Eastern Illinois University with a BS in Consumer Education/business Returned to school~teaching certificate from Trinity In process of Master’s degree from St. Xavier University I live in Lake Zurich with my two daughters, Carly-20 and Alison-18, along with two Pug dogs, Sammy & Missy and a cat named Luna
Illinois joined more than 40 states in a collaborative effort to raise learning standards and improve college and career readiness for all students, regardless of where they live. The new Common Core State Standards establish clear expectations for what students should learn in all subject areas at each grade level. The standards are high, clear, and uniform to ensure that students are prepared for success in college and the workforce.
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In order to help students with the adjustment to middle school, they participate in a program called Executive Functioning. Students have a color coded binder system and a planner to assist them with organization. Teachers provide time at the beginning or end of the class period for students to place papers in the correct folder and write the homework in their planners. Along with state mandated social and emotional instructional goals during advisory, students have the opportunity to review executive functioning goals
At the start of the year, we ask parents to verify daily that students are writing in their planners. Once the habit is established, a once a week inspection should be adequate to keep your child on track. To assist your child with organization, please review their binder/organizational system weekly as needed. Sixth graders need to have this support, especially in the beginning of the school year. Please have your child take ownership in their learning. One way to do this is to have them view the TeacherEase online grading program. If your child has questions about a particular grade on an assignment, please have them ask.
Brain research shows that the brain is like a muscle that changes and gets stronger the more you use it. GRIT – The RESILIENCE to keep going, the PERSISTENCE to try new and improved strategies, the DETERMINATION to view failure as a path to new learning.
Ms. Dust room , ext th Grade Team Website TH grade homework page: TEACHEREASE (online grading): =true *I am committed to assisting all students and supporting those who need additional assistance, accommodations or modifications. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.