CHAPTER OPERATIONS Original PowerPoint Created by Brandon Bowman for Littlefield High School FFA May 2007
Operational Guidelines b b 1. Knowledge of the FFA b b 2. All Members Share Responsibility b b 3. Capable Officers b b 4. A Challenging Program of Activities b b 5. Workable Constitution & Bylaws b b 6. Proper Equipment & Records b b 7. Well-planned, Regular Chapter Meetings
Guidelines (Cont.) b b 8. Adequate Financing b b 9. School & Community Support b b 10. Chapter Resource File
Chapter Officers b b President b b Vice President b b Secretary b b Treasurer b b Reporter b b Sentinel
Offices & Symbols b b President -- Rising Sun b b Vice-President -- Plow b b Secretary -- Ear of Corn b b Treasurer -- Bust of Washington b b Reporter -- American Flag b b Sentinel -- Shield of Friendship b b Advisor -- Owl
Officers & Duties b b President - Preside over Meetings b b Vice-President - Assume Duties of President if necessary b b Secretary - Keep minutes of Chapter Meetings b b Treasurer - Present monthly report on finances at Chapter Meetings
Duties (Cont) b b Reporter - Release news & information to local & regional news media b b Sentinel - Assist the president in maintaining order b b Advisor - Supervise & Advise Chapter activities year-round
Program of Activities b Defines chapter goals and outlines steps needed to meet goals. Goals should be: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and trackable. b Serves as a written guide for administrators, advisory committee, alumni, and others with a calendar of events the chapter will follow. b Key is to a successful POA is to have every member involved in carrying out the activities.
Program of Activities cont’d b Well-planned POA will Ensure chapter activities meet the needs of the membersEnsure chapter activities meet the needs of the members Provide direction year to yearProvide direction year to year Lead to a workable budgetLead to a workable budget Provide experience in planningProvide experience in planning Serve as a reference point throughout the yearServe as a reference point throughout the year
Use of the Gavel b b 1. One (1) tap of gavel - Be seated or Motion passed b b 2. Two (2) taps of gavel - Call to order b b 3. Three (3) taps of gavel - Stand
Meeting Room Arrangement b b President - Front of Room - Behind Podium b b Vice-President - Back of Room - Facing President b b Secretary - On the Left, near the President b b Treasurer - On the Right, away from the President b b Reporter - On the Right, near the President
Room Arrangement (Cont) b b Sentinel - By the Door b b Advisor - On Left, away from President
Sample Order of Business b b 1. Opening Ceremony b b 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting b b 3. Officer Reports b b 4. Old or Unfinished Business b b 5. New Business b b 6. Guest Speaker b b 7. Closing Ceremony
FFA Members! Why Are We Here? b b “To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess.”