Human sciences How do we investigate society? How do we investigate individuals?
What are the Human sciences? Social-sciences Psychology Social psychology Educational-sciences Sociology Anthropology Ethnology Ethnography Economics Political science Humanities History Literature Linguistics Languages Philosophy
How do we investigate society? How do we investigate individuals? Models of explanations: Human nature Instincts Free will? Structures? Intentional behavior? Do individuals make rational choices?
Approaches: Understanding /verstehen Descriptions/Explanations Models of explanations: –Why do people play football? –Why do people go to football matches?
Human nature? Inherent human qualities : –Instincts (Instinctive behavior) –Competition, Egoism –Co–operation, Altruism –Laziness, Industrious –Frugality, Extravagance
Structures? Are individuals determined by social structures: –Race, class, gender, age, and ethnicity? –Institutions? (Football organizations, KR, Valur etc. organize games). –Socialization (your are brought up with it, low- class phenomenon, only for men, only for certain age-groups?)
Intentional behavior? Is it necessary to understand the meaning of peoples behavior for interpretations of it? Individuals are not bound or determined by something outside themselves. The game is a pleasure in it's own right, a sign of collaboration, competition, an expression of perfection etc. that you simply enjoy.
Free will? Do individuals have free will or freedom of choice? Do individuals make rational choices? Do people calculate the outcome of their behavior, cost-benefit analysis?
Assignment Take a look on some social phenomenon, behavior, human action etc. and explain it according to some of the aspects in the models of explanation we have been discussing. Explain in details how you would apply 'scientific methods' in this inquiry. Examples: interviews, surveys, observations, quantitative measures, statistics.