Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Zebo Tang University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) MRPC-TOF R&D, calibration, performance and related physics at STAR
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Outline Introduction STAR MRPC-TOF R&D Calibration Performance PID and physics results achieved Summary & Outlook
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC STAR Detector MagnetCoilsCentralTriggerBarrel(CTB)ZCalTimeProjectionChamber(TPC) Year 2000 Barrel EM Cal (BEMC) Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) FTPC Endcap EM Cal FPD TOFp, TOFr PMD Year Large acceptance: 2 coverage at mid-rapidity
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC GeV/cm Why do we need a TOF? Specific Energy Loss in STAR TPC With the STAR TPC K identification: p ~ 0.7 GeV/c Proton identification: p ~ 1.1 GeV/c S/N for reconstruction: ~ 1/few 100 Multi-strange particles reconstruction efficiency: ~ e K p 200 GeV Au+Au Resolution ~8%
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC TOF PID Capability R. Majka for STAR (~220 cm from the Beam Line)
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC What can TOF do at STAR? TOF E-by-E Evolution Dynamics Exotic Particle Searches Particle Correlations Baryon Transport: net baryons Dynamical Fluctuations: /K/p Separation Characteristic length: balance function, strangeness correlation Particle Composition Bulk Property: CGC? Elliptic Flow: /K/p/ / / / Heavy Quark: D,J/ Resonance:K *, (1520), (1385), (1530) Nucleosynthesis: 3 He/t Di-baryon: H or - - p] HBT: , KK Unlike Particles: K, p and Kp. Jet Fragmentation: Baryon-meson PID Gluon Dynamics: K/ , p/ Huan Huang
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Requirements 1) Good Time resolution The total resolution after all corrections must be <100 ps, for a start time resolution of ∼ 50 ps, 30 ps contribution from slew correction, pure stop resolution of less than ∼ 80 ps. 2) High Granularity ( dN/dy~1000 in central Au+Au) The detector segmentation must be such that the occupancy per channel is < 10%. 3) The system must be able to operate at particle fluxes up to ∼ 200 Hz/cm 2. 4) The system must be able to operate inside the STAR magnetic field. 5) The system must fit into the integration envelope for the present CTB. 6) The system must be inexpensive
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC The Multi-Gap Resistive Plate Chamber E. Gorini et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 396(1997), 93 Uniform High Electric Field ~11kV/mm high drift velocity ~220 m/ns high Townsend coefficient. Operate in Avalanche mode Gas: Freon (electron affinity ) iso-butane (UV photon absorption) SF 6 (streamer suppressing) Heavy gas: 9-10 clusters/mm for MIP Small gap: mm, high resolution Multi-gaps: high efficiency MRPC is a good choice First suggested by C. Williams et al for ALICE TOF
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC MRPC R&D a)Single pad MRPC 4×4 cm 2 5 × 0.22mm gas gap b) 12-pads MRPC 7 × 20cm 2 6 × 0.25mm gas gaps pad size: 3.1 × 3 cm 2 c) 6-pads 7 × 21cm 2 10×0.25mm gas gaps pad size: 6 × 3.1cm 2
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Beam Test Results Efficiency: Time resolution: >~95% (6 gaps) ~70ps (5 gaps) ~99% (2×5 gaps) ~60ps (6 gaps) ~50ps (2×5 gaps) Counting rates range : < 500Hz/cm 2 (with normal float glass) Cheng Li et al., NST, V13N1 Single pad, 5 gaps
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC A prototype at STAR (2002+) Covers 6 in azimuth and 1 in pseudo-rapidity,at radius ~ 2.2 m 1/120 of total coverage Module: 20×6 cm Gap : 6×0.22 mm Pad : 3.15cm×6.1cm Gas : 95% C2H2F4 +5% Iso-C4H10 24 out of 28 modules made in USTC, China
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Timing Resolution before Calibration Resolution = 124 ps Calibration is necessary
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Electronics (2005+) 2 THUB per side, 4 total 1 TCPU per tray/pVPD, 122 total 1 TPMT/TDIS per pVPD, 2 total 8 TINO/TDIG per tray, 960 total 24 chn. per TINO/TDIG, total Schambach Jo et al., Int. J. Mod. Phys. E
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC HPTDC INL Correction Jing Liu Integral Non-Linearity Differential Non- Linearity
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Time-TOT Correlation Leading-edge trigger, signal charge (ADC) is measured for correction time Amp. T1 T2T1 T2 Thre. Q1Q1 Q2Q2
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Hit Position Correction propagation speed : ~45ps/cm Signal output Scan area beam
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Choose sample by limiting dE/dx and momentum range (or pre-calibrated TOF) T0 correction, different cable length and signal transition time TOFr TOT and Z position calibration, using charged pion sample. Iteration several times (if needed) TOFr Calibration procedure Try channel-by-channel first Not enough statistics? Then try module-by-module, or board-by-board
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC 2005 Cu+Cu, 62 GeV 2005 Cu+Cu, 200 GeV 2009 p+p, 500 GeV 2008 p+p, 200 GeV TOF Timing Resolution
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC TOF Time Resolution Summary Operation condition Time Resolution (ps) VPD (start time) TOFr (overall) TOFr (stop time) Run III 200GeV d+Au ~85~120~85 200GeV p+p ~140~160~80 Run IV 62GeV (Au+Au) ~55~105~89 200GeV (Au+Au) FF/RFF ~27~74~70 HF ~20~74~71 Run V 200GeV Cu+Cu (TOT) ~ 50~92~75 62GeV Cu+Cu (TOT) ~ 82~125~94 Run VIII 200 GeV d+Au NA 200 GeV p+p (TOT) ~83~112~75 Run IX 500 GeV p+p (preliminary) ~85~115~78
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Hadron PID TOF alone: /k ~1.6 GeV/c, ( ,k)/p ~ 3.0 GeV/c TPC alone: /k ~0.7 GeV/c, ( ,k)/p ~1.1 GeV/c STAR Collaboration, PLB 616 (2005) 8 e π K p TPC TOF
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Light hadron with TOF TPC only Au+Au p+p STAR PRL92, (2004) With ONE TOF Prototype STAR, PLB 616, 8 (2005); PRL 97, (2006)
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Electron and muon ID arXiv: STAR, PRL 94, , (2005) |1/β-1|<0.03 Electron: p T >0.2 GeV/c Muon: p T <0.25 GeV/c
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Heavy Flavor with TOF e D0KD0K arXiv: Very helpful for open charm and hidden charm physics
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Light Nuclei with TOF Haidong Liu (STAR Collaboration), JPG 34, S1087 (2006), QM2006
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Resonance with TOF Au+Au 200GeV Enhanced by a factor of ~4 Enhanced by a factor of ~2 Only one TOF track Yichun Xu et al., NIM A596, 186 (2008)
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC New Type MRPC-TOF R&D 1) Long Strip MRPC-TOF 2) High Resolution MRPC-TOF
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Long-strip MRPC R&D 95 cm 25 cm Suitable for: 1) Muon Telescope STAR 2) TOF CBM Pad size of STAR TOF LMRPC 2.5 cm
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Beam Test Results Efficiency Plateau Time resolution Plateau Yongjie Sun et al., NIM, A593, 307 (2008) At E~100 kV/cm (HV=±6300 V): Efficiency ~98% Resolution <70 ps
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Beam Test Results Signal propagation velocity: ~ 60ps/cm The time difference: (T) ~ 55ps Position resolution: ~ 1 cm USTC module, HV=6300V, run30-33 Position calculated from timing on two ends Yongjie Sun et al., NIM, A593, 307 (2008)
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC High Resolution MRPC R&D Cheng Li
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Beam Test Results of a 24-gaps MRPC Shaohui An et al., NIM A594, (2006) ~21 ps
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Summary and Outlook The Advantage of MRPC-TOF: good timing resolution (<80 ps) high efficiency (>90%) cost effective for large area TOF system A prototype of TOF in STAR works very well: Satisfied all of the requirements Very helpful for identifying hadrons, leptons, light nuclei and resonances, achieved lots of important physics results. 75% has been installed in STAR, 100% in 2010 A strong team at USTC is formed R&D, mass production, software, calibration, physics analysis We are keeping working on new MRPC-TOFs R&D Long strip MRPC High resolution MRPC
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Extra slides
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Start Detector -VPD Collision Point VPD PMTs W.J. Llope All hits in the same event arrived at the same time As reference for each other
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Expectation (ideal) TOF calibration w/o start detector Fast simulation Single channel resolution: 90ps Time-TOT/Z correlation taken from real data T0 obtained by direct average of T i 6 iteration of calibration
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC T0 resolution w/o start detector – from data Run V 62.4 GeV CuCu After 6-round calibration iteration
Hadron Physics in China & 12 GeV JLab, Lanzhou, July 31, Zebo Tang, USTC Time-TOT Correlation Leading-edge timing signal, trailing-edge signal width (TOT) time Amp. T 1l T 2l T 2t T 1t Thre. Time stamp Leading-edge trigger, signal charge (ADC) is measured for correction time Amp. T1 T2T1 T2 Thre. Q1Q1 Q2Q2