Getting Started Enjoyed studying history and psychology in college (Francis Marion University) Also enjoyed helping coach a high school football team Decided to combine his interests and be a teacher/coach Job opening at his high school
Classes/Teams Over the Years World History, American History, World War I, World War 2, Psychology and Sociology classes Has coached football, basketball, volleyball, and softball
Dedication Eddie taught at the same high school (Forest Hills in Marshville) for 30 years, and retired just last year He was honored by his colleagues and friends for his dedication and passion for what he did He was sad but satisfied
Favorite Things About the Job He enjoyed teaching others about subjects he loved He enjoyed coaching others in sports he loved He loved high school students He loved making thousands of friends and memories
Least Favorite Things About the Job Working with unenthusiastic students Eating cafeteria food for his entire life Seeing students not reach their full potential Staff meetings
Combining Interests Some of Eddie’s favorite things are sports, playing guitar, and his religion, and he was able to use all of his talents in these fields during his time at Forest Hills Coached something all 30 years. Was a state-wide coach of the year in Played guitar for his classes, hosted a guitar club Active sponsor of the FCA at school
Final Thoughts Eddie recommended that if someone wants to be a teacher, they should do it. He thinks America needs more passionate and dedicated teachers to help create passionate and dedicated students.