Why I Chose this Topic? Family friend suffered from it Wanted to research how it happens and its causes How it impacts a person’s life Hope to become a physical therapist one day
Background Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Posterior Cruciate Ligament Three Categories based on Severity - Grade I - Grade II - Grade III
Background Most common tear Grade III 50%-60% chance of suffering from osteoarthritis 10%-28% are Grade I or II 90% of ACL patients fully recover 100, ,000 happen each year in US
Causes and Risk Factors Girls are 5-8 more times likely than boys Tend to use ligaments Shift weight and land in more straight-legged fashion Wider hips and use quads
Causes and Risk Factors Hyper-extension Twisting knee Sudden stop Shift of weight Direct contact
Causes and Risk Factors Teens are highly affected Football, Basketball, Soccer, Rugby, Gymnastics, and Skiing Kids seem to focus on one sport
Symptoms Hear and feel ACL pop Buckle, “give out” Swelling May cause black and blue around knee Difference when turning or running
Symptoms Emotional Symptoms Remaining connected with sport team Talk to peers who have experienced Adults, physicians, or a sports psychology team can help l
Diagnosis and Treatment Doctor will compare both knees Pull against ligaments, resulting in a protruding knee X-ray to see bone damage MRI to see ligaments athletes-article knee/sm_pag_acl.htm
Diagnosis and Treatment Two options for Surgery Reconstructive or Arthroscopic ACL can be fixed using own tissue or donor tissue Arthroscopic Surgery is easier Another injury is a torn meniscus week.html
Diagnosis and Treatment Physical Therapy 4-12 months Exercises and Motion Help strengthen knee
Prevention Good health and fitness Reconstructive surgery Perform surgery after growing /
Prevention Stretch before participating in sports Exercise programs Coordinated Jumping and Landing Be Aware of - Hips and Knees should be bent -Movements and Techniques Appropriate sporting equipment
How did my research impact me? Personally Injury is very common in teenagers Understand what it’s like to experience ACL injury Recognize patient’s emotional stress Academically Want to become a Physical Therapist