Accreditation 2015 Update: Harbor’s Assessment-based Planning System (HAPS) Integrating Learning Outcomes Assessment, Student Achievement Data and Institution-Set Standards with College Program Review, Planning and Resource Allocation Processes Assessment Committee 17 November 2016
Assessment Committee Presentation November 17, 2015, Slide 2 The College Mission is implemented through the college Strategic Educational Master Plan (SEMP) the achievement of Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLO) SEMP identifies institutional goals and articulates the objectives and performance measures that evaluate the achievement of these goals ISLOs are measured through the assessment of student learning outcomes at the course level Harbor’s institutional outcomes conform with those articulated in the Los Angeles Community College District Strategic Plan assuring that the College’s mission is in alignment with the District’s Together, these institutional outcomes provide a framework to evaluate the achievement of the college Mission Centrality of the College Mission
Assessment Committee Presentation November 17, 2015, Slide 3 Integration of Assessment and Planning
Assessment Committee Presentation November 17, 2015, Slide 4 The SEMP incudes all student achievement measures as well as measures that align with state-required, college functional plans and other institutional priorities College program review, planning and resource allocations processes use these measures to align program and operational activities with the college mission Three year cycle to assure that the college has sufficient time to achieve institutional outcomes and addresses all institutional requirements At the end of the three year cycle, SEMP progress and college-level student achievement data are evaluated and used to assess the achievement of the college mission. The mission evaluation/renewal process then drives the next strategic educational master planning cycle SEMP Assesses Mission Achievement
Assessment Committee Presentation November 17, 2015, Slide 5 SEMP measures provide a framework for the college- wide Program Review process and the analysis of program-level student achievement data. SEMP measure analysis results are used to generate improvement actions at the program level. These improvement actions are the basis of the college unit planning and resource allocation processes. All of these activities are organized online to track assessment results, unit plans and the request and allocation of resources. SEMP defines Program Review
Assessment Committee Presentation November 17, 2015, Slide 6 Results are summarized for review and oversight by the college administrative and governance process College level results are used by the College Planning Council to identify annual institutional priorities within the three year strategic planning cycle. These priorities guide annual planning and resource allocation decisions. HAPS Manages Assessment Results
Assessment Committee Presentation November 17, 2015, Slide 7 For measures where there is an established institution-set standard, College operational units and instructional programs evaluate their performance based on the standard. Institution-set standards required by the Federal government: Completion, Job Placement Standards required by the State of California: ARCC, IEPI, SSSP, Equity Other standards or requirements: ACCJC, Nursing, Perkins, grants Units and programs that do not meet the standard are required to create an improvement activity to address that result. Institution Set Standards
Assessment Committee Presentation November 17, 2015, Slide 8 Data Element Institution Set Standard Stretch Goal SEMP Measure 2013/ / / 2012 Three- year Ave Course Completion Rate 65%72% %66.8% 66.5% Program Completion Rate June 2016* %45.1%41.3%42.2% CTE completion rate June 2016* %60.0%60.6%59.5% Degrees Awarded 672June 2016* Certificates Awarded 66.3June 2016* University Transfers 489June 2016* College-level Student Achievement Data, Analysis & Results * The CCCCO’s IEPI reporting requires the college to establish standards and goals for student achievement measures identified in the framework. Harbor will establish these goals in June 2016.
Assessment Committee Presentation November 17, 2015, Slide 9 Data Element Program-level Analysis Results Standard SEMP Measure 2013/ / / 2012 Three-yr Average Associate of Arts Degrees 20% meet standard (2/10) Associate of Science Degrees 14% meet standard (3/22) Associate for Transfer Degrees 100% meet standard (1/1) Certificates 22% meet standard (4/18) Course Completion 59% meet standard (48/81) 65% %66.8% 66.5% Course Completion - Online NN% meet standard65% %59.3%61.1%58.9% Licensure Passage Rate - Nursing Meets standard85% %98.3%97.1%98.5% Licensure Passage Rate - EMT Does not meet standard60% %n/a Licensure Passage Rate - CNA Meet standard85% % 81%93.7% Job Placement Rate NN% meet standard72.5% %69.8%74.8%72.5% Program-level Student Achievement Data, Analysis & Results
Assessment Committee Presentation November 17, 2015, Slide 10 Course-level Student Learning Outcomes Data, Analysis & Results
Assessment Committee Presentation November 17, 2015, Slide 11 This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, And Nobody
Assessment Committee Presentation November 17, 2015, Slide 12 Strategic Educational Master Plan Strategic Educational Master Plan Student Success Scorecard 2015 Student Success Scorecard 2015 SEMP Fact Book SEMP Fact Book Harbor's Assessment-based Planning System (HAPS) Harbor's Assessment-based Planning System Program Review 2.0 Program Review 2.0 SLO Assessment Pilot SLO Assessment Pilot SEMP Outcomes Summary (login) SEMP Outcomes Summary (login) Program Review Module Summary (login) Program Review Module Summary (login) ISLO Inventory (login) ISLO Inventory (login) SLO Assessment Summary (login) SLO Assessment Summary (login) QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION