Wednesday PS Notes 11-6 Homework Rube Goldberg machines Conservation of energy
Homework Handout Equation review on P1 prob 1-7 Energy Review on P2 prob 1-9 KE = ½mv 2 GPE = mgh m = mass(kg)g = acceleration (9.8)m/s 2 v = velocity(m/s)h = height (m)
Answers 1)A. 490,000 J b. 5,600,000 J c. 280,000 J 2) 1.4 x J 3) h= 15 m 4) m = 58 kg 5) a. 630,000J b. 240,000 J, c. 110,000 J 6) v = 3.3 m/s 7) m = 8.0 kg
Answers P2 1)KE, EPE, GPE, CE, TE, EE, LE, NE 2)Energy is the ability to do work, Work is the result of transferring energy 3)Potential = stored e Kinetic = motion e 4) a. KE, GPE b. CE, GPEc. EPE, GPE d. LE e. GPE
Answers P2 5) Has GPE, to be transferred, when needed to move the water (using the force of gravity) 6) Water tank, Hanging by finger from ledge of cliff
Math skills on P2
Simplified Pencil Sharpener
Pencil Sharpener description Open window (A) and fly kite (B). String (C) lifts small door (D) allowing moths (E) to escape and eat red flannel shirt (F). As weight of shirt becomes less, shoe (G) steps on switch (H) which heats electric iron (I) and burns hole in pants (J). Smoke (K) enters hole in tree (L), smoking out opossum (M) which jumps into basket (N), pulling rope (O) and lifting cage (P), allowing woodpecker (Q) to chew wood from pencil (R), exposing lead. Emergency knife (S) is always handy in case opossum or the woodpecker gets sick and can't work.
How to keep a shop window clean
Description for shop window Passing man (A) slips on banana peel (B) causing him to fall on rake (C). As handle of rake rises it throws horseshoe (D) onto rope (E) which sags, thereby tilting sprinkling can (F). Water (G) saturates mop (H). Pickle terrier (I) thinks it is raining, gets up to run into house and upsets sign (J) throwing it against non-tipping cigar ash receiver (K) which causes it to swing back and forth and swish the mop against window pane, wiping it clean. If man breaks his neck by fall move away before cop arrives.
For each Picture! Break down each Rube Goldberg Machine into a list of action in sequence For each action, list any type/form of energy that is associated with the action For each energy type/form, state whether it is gained or lost as a result of the action Describe any simple machines associated with the action. For all machines, indicate input and output force For your favorite rube, list all objects that undergo work. Name the force which does work on object. Indicate which object had the most work done on it
Steps and energy connections StepsKEGPEEPECEOTH Kicking Paddle Lowering finger Turtle extending head Tong separation Dropping pillow Draw arrow for each in each energy box, indicating if that type of energy is increasing because of action.
Steps and simple machines StepsType of Machine Input Force Output Force Kicking PaddleMan’s leg ___ lever MuscleLeg on Paddle Lowering finger Turtle extending head Tong separation Dropping pillow
Steps and energy connections StepsKEGPEEPECEOTH Draw arrow for each in each energy box, indicating if that type of energy is increasing because of action.
Steps and simple machines StepsType of Machine Input Force Output Force
Conservation of Energy Take any action step on the last assignment Are all the types of energy increasing or descreasing in amount Where’s the energy coming from or going to?
Conservation of Energy
Conservation Does not mean that we are Not trying to waste energy or reduce the amount we use Means that for a closed system the amount of energy in the system is constant at all times
Systems A system is composed of 1 or more objects that have a connection to each other CLOSED system = No energy is lost OPEN system = Energy is lostgained in relationship to the non-included environment
Formal definition of Conservation of energy For a closed system: Energy can not be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed.
Example of open systems The earth (exchanges energy with the surrounding space) A roller coaster (losses heat, sound to the surrounding air)
Roller Coaster Project 2 parts Performance Part Analysis Part Read Pg 11,12 Read answer questions on page 20-22