Brainstorming 4 Juuso Kinnunen Ville Rahikka
Railing possibilities Small rails and drawing wheels Easy to build Rails outside sealing fits to most ceiling types Rails inside sealing More esthetic Harder to install on houses Drawing wheels on rails Size must be minimized Herd to build Still very unesthetic
Railing possibilities 2 Drawing wheels on stabilizing rails Unesthetic Rails more complicated No need for additional wheels One rail solution Can’t handle stresses
Railing example
Doorway solutions Rising archway Most structure changes to house Most esthetic Turning archway Easiest to build Can be operated using robots manipulator Lifts Expensive and slow on doorways Neccessary on level changes
Modules Module containing Water and soap – Window cleaning – Watering flowers – Fire extinguishing Hoover module – Cleaning Tool module – Lamp changing – Magnet for grapping small metallic objects