Comparison of HIRLAM data with Sodankylä soundings – tools and results Evgeny Atlaskin Russina State Hydrometeorological University Saint-Petersburg
HIRLAM data Vertical scale is determined by parameters A and B that are given for additional model levels P k±1/2 = A k±1/2 + B k±1/2 P s and for main model levels P k = A k + B k P s
Sounding data 12 hour measurements at different heights: -temperature -relative humidity -wind speed -some synoptic masurements Vertical scale is not fixed, i.e. there are no constant levels
Comparison of temperature and dew point temperature Sounding data are calculated at the HIRLAM model levels determined by the same expression as for HIRLAM P k±1/2 = A k±1/2 + B k±1/2 P s_obs P s_obs is an observational surface pressure Linear interpolation of (dew point) temperature with respect to logarithmic pressure is applied for those levels
Determination of sounding temperatures at main model levels Method of trapezes is applied - case when one or more sounding points are inside a model layer
- case of absence of souding points within the model layer
Ground based comparisons Mast data available for comparison: Temperature Radiation fluxes Sensible heat flux Latent heatflux Momentum flux
Conclusions Tools for comparisons of HIRLAM data with soundings are prepared and are available to use in boundary layer Temperature time series at Sodankylä mast (surface 3m, 32m) could be plotted for comparison with HIRLAM T2m Flux measurements are also prepared in appropriate format for further usage