S.O.L.V.E. Module Two Kickoff Call in 1(605) access code #
Dead Poets Society
Activate and Build Real life experience Movie TV show Song Newspaper
What I KNOWWhat I WANT to knowWhat I LEARNED Before Reading…
StatementAgreeDisagreeNot sure 1.A text guide will help students better understand the lesson. 1.Discussing new concepts with a partner will help students better understand the lesson. 1. Formulating who, what, when, and where questions prior to reading a new lesson will help students better understand the lesson.
T.A.G. S = Scan quickly for an overview of the topic. W = Write a written response on your own. P = Predict what this section is about. D = Discuss with a friend or family member. E = Find examples in the text. M = Complete a concept map of the information. H = Highlight key terms and ideas.
My Questions (Module #) My Thoughts on this Topic My Peer’s Thoughts on this Topic What is most important for others to know about this lesson? THINKPAIRSHARE Course:
SQ3R Survey Question – Who, What, When, Where, Why – Students create their own questions prior to reading to discover the purpose for reading. Read Recite Review