Power Semiconductor Devices Power Diodes Cross-sectional view of a pn- junction diode intended for power applications. I-V characteristics of a pn- junction diode
Breakdown Voltage of Non-Punch-through Diodes for silicon. Punch-through in a reverse-biased diode (a) reverse-biased diode with depletion layer extending completely across the drift region- punch-through condition (b) electric field profile of the punch- through condition in a reverse-biased diode Breakdown Voltage of Punch-through Diodes doping in the n - drift region is negligible
Depletion Layer Boundary Control
On-State Losses: Role of On-Resistance Turn-On TransientTurn-Off Transient Reverse Recovery
Schottky Diodes
Power MOSFETs Basic Structure
Power MOSFETs Basic Structure
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor