1 Higher Physics Unit 3 Optoelectronics Semiconductors
2 Silicon ( undoped ) paired bonding electrons Silicon nucleus Temp. will free some electrons ( make them more mobile ) and so Resistance ADD Impurities ( add atoms that are DIFFERENT from the main material 1 ppm )
3 Doping the intentional adding of “impuirity” atoms to increase the conductivity of a semi-conductor & specify particular semiconductor propeties.
4 Introduce gaps in the bonding structure of electrons into which other electrons can move into “ holes “, and leave a positive charge behind called p-type semiconductors. Introduce atoms with unbound “ floating” electrons which are free to move called n-type semi-conductor.
5 n - Type Semiconductor extra free electron from Arsenic
6 p - Type Semiconductor Gallium (Ga) nucleus hole due to “missing” electron
7 p-Type Conduction I electrons flowing
8 p-Type Conduction I holes flowing
9 PN Junctions & Diodes n-type semi-conductor p-type semi-conductor Note: both types are neutral
10 PN Junction. pnpn pn depletion zone
11 Connecting Diodes ( PN junctions ) in circuits. pn depletion zone If forward voltage greater than 0.7 V, depletion zone collapses and diode conducts
12 Reverse Bias. pn depletion zone
13 Light Emitting Diodes ( L.E.D.’s ) pn depletion zone positive HOLE negative ELECTRON released PHOTON Energy of releasedPhoton E = h. f
14 Photoconductive Mode. p n depletion zone Connected in REVERSE BIAS I light falling on depletion zone Very FAST& SENSITIVE
15 Photovoltaic Mode. p n depletion zone
16 Photovoltaic Mode. p n depletion zone p - type n - type The PN junction is NOT connected to a d.c supply. Here the PN junction is used itself as a d.c. source to drive a device ( e.g. calculator ) n-type acts as the negative terminal p-type acts as positive terminal