LOOKING BACK Class Profile - Strengths/ Stretches/ Interests - Inclusion triangle - Set literacy (thinking) goals Planning Backwards - Set Content Goals (Know & Do) - Determined Big ideas and Essential questions - Designed summative assessment Considering Diverse Texts - level - format - variety Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
LOOKING AHEAD Lesson Design - unit level approaches - lesson level approaches Next … Specific Strategies - adaptations - modifications Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
A GREAT LESSON I ONCE HAD… Think back to a great lesson you remember in your school days? - What do you remember? - What made it great? - Why do you remember it? Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
A GREAT LESSON IS … -Purposeful -Constructive -Active -Engaging -Links to experience AND… Schnellert, Watson, Widdess, 2013
A GREAT LESSON IS … Strategic Schnellert, Watson, Widdess, 2013
OUR GOAL FOR ANY LESSON IS…. STUDENT LEARNING HOW DO WE GET THERE?? Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
ASSESSMENT “We assess to gather evidence of student learning that will inform instructional decisions in ways that maximize that learning…As learning progresses, we and our students need regular information about what they have and have not yet learned. This permits us and them to make instructional decisions that keep them growing.” (Taylor & Francis, 1995) Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
ASSESSMENT TO INSTRUCTION Assessment to Instruction Cycle: SD38, 2006
WHERE DOES OUR WORK SO FAR FIT??? Class Profile A Discovered Strengths/ Stretches/ Interests B Organized Inclusion/RTI triangle C Decided on Literacy (thinking) goals Backwards Planning D Organized Content Goals (Know & Do) F Extended goals for students on IEPs G Determined Big ideas and Essential questions H Designed summative assessment Considering Diverse Texts I level J format K variety L content/theme Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
WHAT AREAS HAVE WE NOT ADDRESSED YET?????? Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
Designing, “instructional activities that start with students’ current needs, interests and abilities and build from there to develop needed expertise” (Smith and Wilhelm, 2006) Implementing/ Teaching: Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
Designing the lessons: 1. Unit level approaches 2. Lesson level approaches Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
Unit level approaches - Workshop - Starting with connections - differentiation - literature/ information circles - cooperative learning - project based learning - inquiry - arts integration - cross curricular integration - themes/issue based learning - service learning Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
WORKSHOP “The workshop model gives students tools for understanding content. Workshop emphasizes the interaction between a reader and a text. It builds independence and transfers easily to other contexts.” Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
WORKSHOP -Another way to organize lessons in a unit -A common approach in reading and writing classes, nut not limited to them -Is an exceptionally wonderful approach for a classrooms including students with special needs Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
WORKSHOP Workshop Structure: -Mini lessons -Short lessons developed based on information collected on students through out the unit around areas needing to be improved on -Independent working time -Although student may all be using different texts and stages of a project, they are all working on a similar process (e.g. writing cycle, reading strategies) -During this time, the teacher conferences with individual students to build additional skills -Sharing -After working, everyone comes back together and shares what they worked on, a success, a learning etc. Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
STARTING STRONG WITH CONNECTIONS “We want all students to connect what they and others already know to the ideas and concepts they will be studying. We often start a learning sequence by asking students to predict, link, and compare key words, ideas, images, artifacts, or relationships before engaging with new content.” (Schnellert, Watson & Widdess, 2013) Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
STARTING STRONG WITH CONNECTIONS -Make predictions -Hooks/ engages -Activate prior knowledge -Introduce new vocabulary Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
UNIT LEVEL APPROACHES All the lessons in a unit Which lessons would be considered “connecting lessons?” Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
CONNECTING Example lessons: -Making predictions -Vocabulary development -Building criteria Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
PREDICTING/ BUILDING VOCABULARY Scenario: You are beginning a Social studies unit. You have a lot of students who have ESL needs. Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
PREDICTING/ BUILDING VOCABULARY Activity #2: In your groups, discuss the meanings of the vocabulary words Sort the words into categories that make sense to you Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
VOCABULARY BUILDING -What do I already do to help build vocabulary with my students? -What are some new things I would like to try in my classroom, to help build vocabulary with my students? Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
BUILDING CRITERIA Scenario -Your summative assessment for a unit is to write a powerful picture book. -As a connecting lesson, students will be constructing the rubric that their summative assignment will be assessed. Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
BUILDING CRITERIA Activity #2 -Look at the picture books on your table. -Using the “Placemat,” in your sections, write down features of the books that are POWERFUL Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
BUILDING CRITERIA -As a group, share your powerful features -Group your features together -Come up with common categories -Write these categories in the center of the placemat Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
BUILDING CRITERIA ***Your categories are the categories on your rubric!!!*** -Now… -Go back into the books -Fill in details in the “you got it!!!” column Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
BUILDING CRITERIA -Next - fill in the other columns…. TA DA!!!!!!!!! A rubric!!! Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
OTHER STRATEGIES FOR CONNECTING STUDENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF A UNIT: -KWL charts Anticipation Guide -Think of a time… Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
STARTING A UNIT STRONG -What do I already do to get my students to connect with a new unit? -What are some new things I would like to try in my classroom, to help connect my students to a new unit? Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
LESSON STRATEGIES -Zooming in: Lessons at the day to day level ZOOOOOOM Lesson Level Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
Lesson level approaches - Phases of a lesson Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
There are many strategies that we use to help students engage in content and develop thinking skills. These are categorized in three ways: connecting, processing, transforming (Brownlie & Close, 1988; Brownlie & Schnellert, 2009). PHASES OF A LESSON Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
PHASES OF A LESSON Connecting: Activating prior knowledge/helping students connect what they are learning to what they already know Processing : Helping students process new content/building their repertoire of meaning making strategies Transforming/Personalizing : Provide opportunities for students to personalize and transform their learning Brownlie & Close, 1988; Brownlie & Schnellert, 2009
EXAMPLES: CONNECTING Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
WHAT DO THESE PICTURES HAVE IN COMMON? Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
INTEGER RAP Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
EXAMPLES: PROCESSING Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
1. SORT THE INTEGERS INTO HOT AND COLD (POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE). HOT NUMBERSCOLD NUMBERS - 5, +10, +6, -12, +2, -3, -2, -1, +8 Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
processing ADDING INTEGERS CAN BE VERY EASY!!! HERE IS THE SHORTCUT. Imagine you have 2 teams: The Nantucket Negatives The Pittsburg Positives Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
processing When we look at the question now we sort the integers based on the team that scores. Now we need a scoreboard Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
processing Once the integers are all being ADDED, then we put it in the score board! (+60) + (+30) + (-10) + (-20)= Who scored first the positives or the negatives? What did they score? So we put that on the scoreboard! Now who scored next and what did they score? Keep going until all the integers are on the scoreboard. (+60) (+30) (-10) (-20) Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
processing Take this integer question for example: (+60) + (+30) + (-10) + (-20)= (+60) (+30) (-10) (-20) Who Won??? How do you Know? The winning team becomes the first name of the integer (+ 60) How much did they win by? How did you figure it out? The difference of the score is the last name of the integer (90)(30) Final Score!!! Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
EXAMPLES: TRANSFORMING/ PERSONALIZING Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
Schnellert, Watson & Widdess 2013
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
Name:Connect What are other ways that we use integers in everyday life? Process Sort the vocabulary words given into the following categories: Report out: My partner and I chose ______ to be the words in and _______ to be the words out because_________. operations What math vocabulary do I need to work with integers? How do I order integers from greatest to least or least to greatest? signs Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
Process Put the following integers on your number line: What do you notice about: - The positive numbers as they increase in value? - The negative numbers as they increase in value? Report out: My partner and I notice that as the positive numbers increase, the value of the digits _________. And we notice that as the negative numbers increase, the value ______________. Using the number line, which is greater? (Shay) (Teaghan) (Ali) (Sam) (Brandon) (Aron) -Name: What math vocabulary do I need to work with integers? How do I order integers from greatest to least or least to greatest? Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
Transform/Personalize Log- Quick Write What math vocabulary do I need to know to understand integers, and how can it help me? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How do I order integers from greatest to least? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name: What math vocabulary do I need to work with integers? How do I order integers from greatest to least or least to greatest? Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
Connect Activating prior knowledge/helping students connect what they are learning to what they already know strips of tape Inside/Outside circles Should I stay or should I go Anticipation Guide Think-Aloud or Thought Bubble Think of a time… Partner Interview Process Helping students process new content/building their repertoire of meaning making strategies Magnet notes Quick write Partner talk Listen-Sketch-Draw Venn diagrams Reciprocal teaching Carousel Four quadrants Say Something Transform/Personalize Provide opportunities for students to personalize and transform their learning Tableau What? So What? Now What? Ideagram Mind map Exit slip Critical timeline Comic Strip Storyboard Learning Journey Schnellert, Watson, Widdess, 2013 OPEN ENDED STRATEGIES
Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
OTHER RESOURCES Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013
QUICK WRITE- (TRANSFORM/PERSONALIZE) - What stood out for you today? -What is something that you want to try? -What are some questions you still have? Adaptations & Modifications- Planning the Lesson SequenceShelley Moore, 2013