List #1 ante (before) anterior anti (against) antibody bi (two) bipolar circum (around) circumvent com (together) complete con (together) conjunction de.


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Presentation transcript:

List #1 ante (before) anterior anti (against) antibody bi (two) bipolar circum (around) circumvent com (together) complete con (together) conjunction de ( down) demolish dis (away) dismiss equi (equal) equilibrium extra (beyond) extravagant inter (between) interstellar intra (within) intravenous

13.intro (into) introvert 14.mal (bad) malicious 15.mis (bad) mistake 16.non (not) nonprofit (after) posthumous 18.pre (before) premonition 19.semi (half) semiformal 20.sub (under) submarine 21.super (over) supervise 22.syn (together) synchronize 23.sym (together) symmetry 24.tri (three) triangle 25.un (not) unequal

List #2 1. archy (government)monarchy 2.ard (always)drunkard 3.cide (kill)genocide 4.ician (specialist)technician 5.itis (infection)tonsillitis 6.aqua (water)aquarium (hear)audience 8.bell (war)belligerent 9.cap (take)capture 10.cise (cut)incision (life)biography (self)automatic

13.port (carry)transport 14.scrib (write)scribble 15.logy (science)mythology 16.dict (say) predict 17.cred (believe)credibility 18.cent (one hundred)century 19.neo (new) neonatal (to)adhesive 21.cede (go)antecedent 22.miss (send)dismiss 23.centri (center)concentric 24.biblio (book) bibliography 25.anthropo (man)anthropology

Stems #3 1.homo (same) homogenize 2.spec (look)spectacles 3.duct(lead)conduct 4.fer(carry)transfer 5.pend(hang)suspend 6.micro(small)microscope 7.hydro (water)hydroplane photograph 9.pan(all)pantheon 10.penta(five)pentagram 11.tele(far)telephone 12.vid(look)evidence

13.omni (all)omnipotent 14.ex(out)exit 15.poly(many)polychrome return 17.hypo(under)hypothermia 18.pseudofalse)pseudoscience 19.neuro(nerve)neurology 20.tomy(cut)appendectomy 21.hema(blood)hematite 22.proto(first)prototype 23.phon(sound)cacophony 24.mono(one)monotone 25.viv(life)vivacious

Stems List #4 1.morph(shape)mesomorph 2.vest(clothes)vestment 3.bene(good)benefactor 4.pond(weight)ponderous 5.corp(body)corpse 6.dorm(sleep)dormitory 7.pater(father)paternal 8.nov(new)novice 9.punct(point)puncture 10.ject(throw)eject 11.tion(act or state)completion 12.loco(place)location

13.dox(opinion)orthodox 14.amphi(both)amphibian 15.magn(great)magnificent 17.endo(within)endoskeleton 18.phobia(fear)claustrophobia 19.ortho(straight)orthodontist 20.put(think)computer 21.ver(true)veracity 22.matri(mother)matriarch 23.mega(large)megahertz 24.pop(people)population 25.sangui(blood)sanguine

List #5 1.VITAlifevitamin 2.DEMOpeopledemocracy 3.STEREOsolidstereotype 4.ISMdoctrinecapitalism 5.COGNknowrecognize 6.SURoversurplus 7.ALTERotheralteration 8.ASTRstarastronomy 9.DYNApowerdynamic 10.CHRONtimechronological 11.HYPERoverhyperbole 12.LUNAmoonlunar

13.OCTAeightoctagon 14.GYROturngyroscope 15.CONTRAagainstcontradict 16.GEOearthgeography 17.HELIOsunhelios 18.THERMOheatthermostat 19.TETRAfourtetrahedron 20.METERmeasureodometer 21.SCOPElooktelescope 22.SONsoundsonar 23.DECtendecade 24.STELLstarstellar 25.AMATloveamatory

List #6 1. germ(vital or related)germane 2. greg(group)gregarious 3. mar(sea)marine 4. prim (first) primary 5. pyro (fire) pyromaniac 6. clam (cry out)clamor 7. plu (more) plural 8. tang (touch) tangible 9. string (bind)stringent 10. liber(free)liberate 11. junct(join) junction 12. clud (close) include

13. se (apart) secede 14. trib(pay)tribute 15. dign (worthy) dignity 16. luc(light)lucid 17. rupt (break) interrupt 18. grat (pleasing) gratitude 19. medi (middle)medium 20. soph (wisdom) sophomore 21. curr (run)current 22. tempor (time) temporary 23. migr(wander) emigrant 24. trans(across) transfer 25. gamy (marriage) bigamy

List #7 1. numer (number)numerous 2. fort (strong)fortify 3. osteo(bone)osteopath 4. ornith(bird)ornithology 5. polis(city)metropolis 6. fus(pour)transfusion 7. ego(I)egocentric 8. spir(breathe) inspire 9. dia (across)diagonal 10. acr (sharp) acrid 11. acro (high) acrobat 12. culp (blame)culprit

13. derm(skin)dermatologist 14. zo(animal)protozoa 15. per(through)perforation 16. pac(peace)pacify 17. brev(short) brevity 18. necro(death) necrophobia 19. urb(city)suburb 20. pugn(fight) pugnacious 21. ecto(outer)ectoderm 22. plasto (molded)plastic 23. agog(leader)pedagogue 24. cle(small)particle 25. il(not)illegal

List #8 1. sed(sit)sediment 2. leg(read)legible 3. anim(mind)animated 4. tort (twist)contorted 5. nym (name)acronym 6. sanct(holy)sanctify 7. meta(change)metamorphosis 8. petr(rock)petrify 9. mir (wonder)miracle 10. man(hand)manicure 11. rect (right)correct 12. volv(roll)revolve 13. demi(half)demigod

14. retro(backward)retroactive 15. sens(feel)sensitive 16. fy(make) solidify 17. ocul(eye)binocular 18. cur(care for)curator 19. ultra(beyond)ultraviolet 20. oid(appearance)android 21. gest(carry)congestion 22. apt(fit)aptitude 23. tact(touch)tactile 24. voc(voice)vocal 25. rid(laugh)deride

List #9 1. path(feeling)sympathy 2. a(not)amoral 3. nomy(law)economy 4. fid(faith)infidelity 5. caco(bad)cacophony 6. hetero(different)heterogeneous 7. sci(know)science 8. graph(write)polygraph 9. lat(side)lateral 10. lith(rock)lithograph 11. tract(pull)tractor 12. in (in or not)insane

13. co(together)cooperate 14. phile(love)audiophile 15. ine(nature of)crystalline 16. ar(relating to)stellar 17. hexa(six)hexagon 18. fract (break)fracture 19. platy(flat) platypus 20. theo(god) theology 21. fin(end)final 22. hedron(sided object)tetrahedron 23. ambul(walk)ambulatory 24. ous(full of)glorious 25. topo(place)topology

List #10 1. ped(foot or child)pediatric 2. mort (death)mortal 3. carn(flesh)carnivorous 4. psych(soul)psychic 5. ethno(race or culture) ethnocentric 6. gen(origin)genetics 7. nat(born)prenatal 8. paleo(old)paleontologist 9. curs(run)cursive 10. crypt(hidden)cryptogram 11. cad(fall) cascade 12. capit(head)decapitate

13. loqu(talk)eloquent 14. sacro(holy)sacrosanct 15. uni(one)unicycle 16. ness(quality)softness 17. alt(high)altitude 18. ics(art)aesthetics 19. iso(equal)isomeric 20. vert(turn)convert 21. ate(cause)dominate 22. cor(heart)coronary 23. ess(female)princess 24. muta(change)mutant 25. fug(flee)fugitive

Roots #11 1. Ipluralfungi 2. JUSlawjustice 3. LUMlightluminary 4. ANNyearannual 5. APOaway or upapology 6. SENoldsenior 7. SOLalonesolo 8. BASlowbass 9. ROGATaskinterrogate 10. PARLspeakparlor 11. POTENTpowerpotential 12. SURGrisesurge

13. LOGword or reasonlogic 14. GRAMwritingtelegram 15. CANTsingrecant 16. REGruleregal 17. PROforwardprovide 18. GYNwomangynecologist 19. AGto doagile 20. ACTto doreact 21. MOBmovemobile 22. SESSsitsession 23. FICmakefiction 24. NOUNCEtelldenounce 25. ANDROmanandroid

Stems List #12 1.AN-withoutanemic 2.ABawayabsent 3.MELsongmelody 4.ADENglandadenoid 5.AERairaerial 6.ALBwhitealbino 7.ASEenzymepermeate 8.EPIonepidemic 9.HUMearthhumus 10.–BElifemicrobe 11.BONgoodbonanza 12.STRUCTbuildconstruct

13.CHLORgreenchlorine 14.CYANbluecyanide 15.CYTcellcytoplasm 16.DIPLOdoublediploid 17.DYSbaddyslexia 18.ECOhouseecosystem 19.EMIAbloodanemia 20.ENTERintestinedysentery 21.ERYTHROrederythromycin 22.IDIOpeculiaridiosyncrasy 23.EXOoutexodus 24.IMnotimprobable 25.FILthreadfilament