Statewide Financial System Program 1 GL205: Refresher Training Key Points GL205: Welcome
Statewide Financial System Program 2 Agenda What’s Changed? Key Points to Emphasize UPK Topics to Review Frequently Asked Questions Exercises SFS GL Path and Learning Resources
Statewide Financial System Program 3 Key Updates (1 of 2) What’s Changed Old:New: The Report Manager displayed four tabs (List, Explorer, Administration, and Archive). Reports were obtained through the Administration tab. The Report Manager has two tabs (List and Explorer). GL Reports can be viewed and printed from the List tab. The user entered the GL Business Unit manually, or used the Look Up function. The GL Business Unit will default based on user preferences and security. If necessary, this field can be changed by manually entering in the desired information, or using the Look Up function. The Ledger Group and Source did not auto populate on the Journal Header page. The Ledger Group and Source will auto populate. If necessary, these fields can be changed by manually entering in the desired information, or using the Look Up function. The Menu pagelet encompassed every component in SFS. The Menu pagelet is pared down to display a more realistic view of what a user will see upon signing in to SFS.
Statewide Financial System Program 4 Key Points to Emphasize Note that “Journal Voucher” has a very specific meaning in SFS and is only applicable to the AP module. The SFS term for many of the transactions currently entered into CAS via legacy Journal Voucher is “Journal Entry”, and is specific to the GL module. A GL Business Unit is defined for each entity that maintains and reports on its own transactional data (there are multiple GL Business Units in SFS, one for each Agency). In most cases, Agencies record adjustments in the system of original entry instead of directly into the GL. As needed, users make other adjusting journal entries directly to the General Ledger decrease in the number of journal entries created directly against the GL. According to the Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP), journals are entered using a double-entry system, where debits equal credits.
Statewide Financial System Program 5 Key Points to Emphasize Journals are balanced by Fund, and by Business Unit. Agency GL Setup and GL Originators will be able to configure and set-up Speed Types after Go Live. SFS will not be configuring anything on behalf of agencies. The purpose of the Inter- and Intra-Agency topics is to explain that the SFS produces additional journal lines after the Edit Journal process has been run in order to balance the journal entries. The lines will only be created if there is a change in the BU and the Fund. If these two values stay the same in the journal lines, then no additional balancing lines will display.
Statewide Financial System Program 6 UPK Topics to Review Entering and validating journals Submitting journals for approval Approving journals Running a report in General Ledger
Statewide Financial System Program 7 Exercises The following exercises should be performed during Refresher Training: Navigation refresher Entering and validating journals Copying a journal Deleting a journal Creating Speed Types Entering Inter-Agency journals Navigating to the Template List
Statewide Financial System Program 8 SFS GL Learning Path and Resources SFS GL Refresher Training Structure GL 101 Introduction to General Ledger and Commitment Control GL 105 Chart of Accounts Overview GL 205 Processing Journal Entries
Statewide Financial System Program 9 SFS GL Learning Path and Resources Location of Training Materials and Class Preparation Aids Location All Training Courses &id=127&Itemid=658 Job Aids and Reference Materials &id=124:job-aids-and-reference-materials&catid=83:training- toolkit&Itemid=668 Chart Of Accounts &id=138:quick-start-guides&catid=83:training-toolkit&Itemid=678 Reporting Toolkit &id=185&Itemid=695
Statewide Financial System Program 10 Thank you for your participation! Conclusion
Statewide Financial System Program 11 Slides for Agency Use (Arial, Font 36) Agency specific Heading (Arial font 24) Topic 1. (Arial Font 20) Topic 2. Topic 3. Topic 4. Topic 5.
Statewide Financial System Program 12 Slides for Agency Use (Arial Headings, Font 36 for single line, 32 for double lines) In this lesson you should learn: (Arial font 24) Topic 1. (Arial Font 20) Topic 2. Topic 3. Topic 4. Topic 5.
Statewide Financial System Program 13 Slides for Agency Use (Type Topic here) Agency Specific Key Terms and Concepts (Arial Font 24) Term / ConceptDefinition Term / Concept name (Arial Font 18) Definition of Term / Concept (Arial Font 16)