Chapter 4 Leadership, Ethics, and Responsibility By
Explore: Leadership. Different views of leadership. Leadership styles. Tips on developing leadership skills. Terms related to the discussion of ethics. Five generally accepted ethical principles. Ethical choices and challenges related to being on one's own for the first time. The Student Bill of Rights and student responsibilities.
What makes a good leader?
Why do certain individuals become leaders?
What are the characteristics that make a leader?
What role does power play in leadership?
Why are qualities like integrity and courage important to the individual and to society?
What moral beliefs and attitudes make up your value system?
Who had the most influence on you in terms of shaping your ethics and value system?
What ethical or moral challenges have you encountered on campus?
What would you do if you knew a friend of yours was cheating?
Why is attending class important?
Chapter 5 Sharing Your World By
Explore: The advantage of our diverse world. Ways to overcome stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. Tips for understanding and relating to students with diverse backgrounds. The significance of body language. Effective listening skills. How to communicate assertively. Strategies for dealing with sexual harassment. How to protect yourself from crime. Tips to protect yourself from rape and date rape.
What is meant by "culturally diverse"?
List the differences between stereotyping and discrimination.
List the differences between prejudice and discrimination.
List the differences between reflective listening and assertive communication.
List the qualities of assertive, nonassertive, and aggressive styles of communication.
What is sexual harassment?
What procedures should you follow if you or someone close to you was a victim of rape?
How can active listening build better relationships?
How does critical thinking help you to be more assertive?
How can you use assertive communication to deal with sexual harassment?