Scoring Stories for the Six Traits
Word Choice How many words obviously came from a thesaurus? If they have ten or more, give them a 4, unless they also use slang. 3 = they’ve obviously used a thesaurus, but they also have a few slang words too. 2 = they use “said”, “it” and “and” an awful lot! Even if they did use a thesaurus, their repetition and use of slang outweigh their big words. 1 = they use repetition, baby words, and slang; they haven’t been using a thesaurus.
Organization 4 = they have a correctly capitalized title, they have many paragraph breaks, and they never wrote in the margin. Their story has a clear beginning, which leads to an exciting middle. The ending matches all that has been written. Their story is also double-spaced. 3 = they have some paragraph breaks, but they really need more; they also have a title, margins, and a beginning, middle, and clear end to their story. 2 = they have one or two paragraph breaks, and it seems like something is missing from the body of the story. 1 = they don’t use paragraph breaks at all.
Ideas and Content 4 = this is a completely original topic with perfect description. 3 = this is an original topic, but some of the description is lacking. (For example, the reader may only vaguely know what characters and settings look like, smell like, sound like.) 2 = this isn’t a very original topic (other kids have topics just like this one) 1 = this isn’t a story, it’s an essay or a letter or something like that.
Conventions 4 = I couldn’t find any mistakes. 3 = I could only find one or two mistakes. 2 = I could find three to five mistakes. 1 = I could find more than five mistakes.
Sentence Fluency 4 = I didn’t hold up any fingers. 3 = I held up one or two fingers. 2 = I held up three to five fingers. 1 = I held up six or more fingers (or it’s written using something other than ink pen or pencil).
Voice 4 = this story made me laugh, cry, jump for joy, or have another physically obvious and unpreventable reaction!!! 3 = I enjoyed the story A LOT, but it didn’t provoke any really noticeable reactions from me. 2 = Yeah, that’s a story. It was fine. 1 = Did I just read a story? I forgot what I just read, because it was so boring.