J.P. Hornak, , 2004 Research Practices http://
Pre Proposal J.P. Hornak, , 2004
Preliminary Proposal A brief proposal designed to determine if there is a match between a granting agency’s mission and your proposed research. J.P. Hornak, , 2004
Contents: Title -Proposal Title, Name, Department, Institution, and Date Introduction -Background, questions the research will answer, hypothesis and statement of proposed research Methods -Proposed procedure which will be followed to answer the above questions. Resources -A brief statement of equipment needed to perform the research. Timetable -Dates for: when you expect to start, the major things you intend to accomplish, and finish. Budget -Credit hours you are requesting in the winter and spring quarters. Actual funds and course credit needed to perform the research. References -Supporting literature. Use refereed journal format from library homework. J.P. Hornak, , 2004
Format: Two to three printed pages in length. (Approximately 800 carefully chosen words). J.P. Hornak, , 2004
Experimental Design J.P. Hornak, , 2004
Scientific Method Observation Examine the problem. Review previous work. Hypothesis An explanation that accounts for a set of facts and that can be tested by further investigation. Experimentation A test made to examine the validity of a hypothesis. Test Hypothesis Do the experimental results support the hypothesis?YesNo Theory A hypothesis that has been tested & validated by many. J.P. Hornak, , 2004
Writing Drill J.P. Hornak, , 2004