Assemblies this week MondayS2 WednesdayMK S4 – S6 ThursdaySL S4 – S6 FridaySA S4 – S6
S1 Boys Football There will be a short meeting at lunchtime today (1.15pm) in Room 216. All players must attend.
Conabor. Latin. Verb. I will try my utmost Our DREAM Values Determination Respect Effort Ambition Motivation Conabor Award All this week: focus on DETERMINATION
The high school version of SU... All years welcome Art Room 313 Lunchtime on Mondays Clay-model, Hang-Out, Talk-life, Soul-food and Jaffa Cakes with Darius, Jo and Ali
Invitation tonight, 6-8pm Open Mic Event X-box music & recording studio café chill out space friendly youth workers This is a C-card Outlet where you can register to get free condoms At the Kabin, 5 Murryburn Avenue, Loanhead
Lasswade High School Young Musician/Vocalist competition 2015 Entry forms from Music Dept
Are you an experienced skier? Would you like to take part in the Scottish Schools Dual Slalom Event? WED 17 th JUNE- Midlothian Snowsports Centre We are looking for a team of 5 skiers (boys or girls) to compete for Lasswade! Please contact Miss Watt in the P.E. Department to sign up!
Lasswade Hockey Hockey festival cancelled next Tuesday. If you are able to play on Monday 30 th March let Miss Watt know.
S4-S6 PREFECTS Parents Evening Tomorrow(17 TH March) Remember to sign up with your House Captains
EDMODO A reminder to all Challengers that you must sign up to the EDMODO group set up for the trip. See Mr Rhodes for the group code.
PROM! Final Prom payments are due! The final payment of £30 is to be paid to Miss Lyon or Mrs Crawford by the 30 th of April. All payments must be paid!! More updates on the Prom twitter
Monday: Study Support After school Computing (S4 – S6)Room 228 Art and Design (S4 – S6)Art Department ( ) Miss Maltby’s N5 GeographyRoom 119 Design & TechnologyDesign & Technology Dept Lunchtime Comic Art012 (Mr Stanton) Chess212 (Mr Poots) Percussion GroupMusic department After School Jazz BandMusic department Monday: Clubs
Lunchtime BadmintonGames Hall Netball trainingPE Department After school Dance (S1-S6)Dance Studio (3.45 – 4.45) Girls Rugby3.30 – 4.30pm S1 Rugby3.30 – 4.30pm S2 Rugby4.30 – 5.30pm Monday: Sports Clubs
Tuesday: Study Support After school Maths (N5 & Higher)Maths department Art & Design (S4 – S6)Art Department S4/S5 Practical Woodworking/ Design & Manufacturing/Construction Design and Technology S4 – S6 Health & Food Technology/Practical Cake Craft Home Economics Higher Human GeographyMiss Hargreaves N5 HistoryMr McKay (216) EnglishMiss Mollon (224) English National 5Miss Longmore (226) Design & TechnologyDesign and Technology Dept. Computing Study SupportRoom 217
Tuesday: Clubs Lunchtime S2 Scratch ProgrammingComputing (220) Film ClubEnglish (226) Singing Group, Fiddle Group and Orchestra All in music department Tuesday: Sports Clubs After school BadmintonSports Hall A and B