Unclassified 1 Adopt an Enterprise Approach 6 October 2009 GEN Ann Dunwoody Adopt an Enterprise Approach 6 October 2009 GEN Ann Dunwoody Version 4/As of: 6 October 2009
Unclassified 2 UNCLASSIFIED What I Want To Leave You With Adapting the Institution using an Enterprise Approach This is NOT about $... This is about doing the right thing for the right reasons to provide better support to deployed men and women while being good stewards of taxpayer $ Want your thoughts and engagement “ We will not turn the Army into a business but will understand the business of our Army” CG, AMC-Oct 2008
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Unclassified 5 Lower Cost... Higher Quality... Faster Delivery! Interceptor Savings $27m Command Post System Integration Reset Center 67% FasterPEO Soldier, AMC Kiowa Savings $35.5m PEO Aviation, AMCOM LCMC Recovery of Interceptor Body Armor: Improving Process $27M in cost avoidance by recovering serviceable body armor to refill outstanding requisitions. Stakeholders include: TACOM LCMC, PEO Soldier, HQDA G-4 TACOM, LCMC, PEO Soldier, HQDA G-4 Rapid Fielding Initiative: Property Accountability Improved Rapid Fielding Initiative accountability and total asset visibility over gaining command property increased process yield for property transfer within 7 days from 23% to 99.99%. Estimated Cost Avoidance is $21.8M for FY10-FY11. Stakeholders include: PEO Soldier, AMC Rapid Kiowa Liquid Crystal Display: Obsolescence Mitigation Invested $1.34M to save $35.5M over 10 years. Stakeholders include: PEO Aviation, AMCOM LCMC The Power of the Enterprise Reduced Inventory of OEM supplied Materiel: Improving Process Cost avoidance of $18.9M by reducing buy back of materiel in the T-55 program. Stakeholders include: Corpus Christi Army Depot, AMCOM LCMC, RDECOM, PEO Aviation, Industry Partners Reduced Inventory of OEM Supplied Materiel Savings $18.9m Corpus Christi Army Depot AMCOM, LCMC RDECOM, PEO Aviation, Industry Partners 5