First results from KamLAND M.Motoki (Tohoku University) For the KamLAND Collaboration motoki@NDM03
Neutrino Oscillation SuperK day night, SuperK energy spectrum LMA+LOW LMA SNO NC; ne+nm+nt SMA Flavor transition day/night LMA LOW KamLAND; Artificial neutrino sources Low energy Long baseline VAC motoki@NDM03
KamLAND Kamioka Liquid scintillator Anti Neutrino Detector Reactor Anti Neutrino Source. Energy distortion, LMA 7Be neutrinos. Geo neutrinos. motoki@NDM03
The KamLAND Collaboration K.Eguchi, S.Enomoto, K.Furuno, J.Goldman, H.Hanada, H.Ikeda, K.Ikeda, K.Inoue, K.Ishihara, W.Itoh, T.Iwamoto, T.Kwaguchi, T.Kawashima, H.Kinoshita, Y.Kishimoto, M.Koga, Y.Koseki, T.Maeda, T.Mitsui, M.Motoki, K.Nakajima, M.Nakajima, T.Nakajima, H.Ogawa, K.Owada, T.Sakabe, I.Shimizu, J.Shirai, F.Suekane, A.Suzuki, K.Tada, O.Tajima, T.Takayama, K.Tamae, H.Watanabe Tohoku University J.Busenitz, Z.Djurcic, K.McKinny, D.-M.Mei, A.Piepke, E.Yakushev, University of Alabama B.E.Berger, Y.D.Chan, M.P.Decowski, D.A.Dwyer, S.J.Freedman, Y.Fu, B.K.Fujikawa, K.M.Heeger, K.T.Lesko, K.-B.Luk, H.Murayama, D.R.Nygren, C.E.Okada, A.W.P.Poon, H.M.Steiner, L.A.Winslow LBNL/UC Berkeley G.A.Horton-Smith, R.D.McKeown, J.Ritter, B.Tipton, P.Vogel California Institute of Technology C.E.Lane, T.Miletic Drexel University P.W.Gorham, G.Guillian, J.G.Learned, J.Maricic, S.Matsuno, S.Pakvasa University of Hawaii S.Dazeley, S.Hatakeyama, M.Murakami, R.C.Svoboda Louisiana State University B.D.Dieterle, M.DiMauro University of New Mexico J.Detwieler, G.Gratta, K.Ishii, N.Tolich, Y.Uchida Stanford University M.Batygov, W.Bugg, H.Cohn, Y.Efremenko, Y.Kamyshkov, A.Kozlov, Y.Nakamura University of Tennessee L.De Braeckeleer, C.R.Gould, H.J.Karwowski, D.M.Markoff, J.A.Messimore, K.Nakamura, R.M.Rohm, W.Tornow, A.R.Young TUNL Y.-F.Wang IHEP,Beijing motoki@NDM03
Suitable to test LMA solution a few /day in KamLAND 54 Japanese Reactors Average distance 180km (79 % in 138-214km) < Eν> ~ 4MeV ⊿m2 ~E/L ~10-5 eV2 Suitable to test LMA solution motoki@NDM03
Reactor neutrino flux at KamLAND Thermal power, Burn-up, : available for All 54 Japanese Reactors Reactor type, Volume ratio of new fuel, Enrichment of new fuel, initial mean burn up Simple model of reactor core. fission rate energy spectrum @KamLAND Uncertainty : 2.5% for anti νe motoki@NDM03
Reactor Neutrino detection in Liquid Scintillator motoki@NDM03
Vertex reconstruction Using PMT timing information Source Calibration Data: Z-axis Typically 25cm resolution Position reconstruction: 5cm motoki@NDM03
Vertex Fitter Performance: Fiducial Volume motoki@NDM03
Energy resolution 68Ge ( + ) : 1.012 MeV 65Zn () : 1.116 MeV Along to Z-axis: radioactive source 68Ge ( + ) : 1.012 MeV 65Zn () : 1.116 MeV 60Co ( + ) : 2.506 MeV AmBe (,n) : 2.20, 4.40, 7.6 MeV time dependence: 0.6% 4πcalibration: captured netron events n+pd+g : 2.2 MeV n+12C13C+g : 4.9MeV position dependence: 1.1% DE/E ~ 7.5% /√E [MeV] DEsyst=1.9% at 2.6MeV 2.1% for anti ne motoki@NDM03
Radio active Background in LS motoki@NDM03
214Bi – 214Po – 210Pb Signal 238U = (3.5±0.5)x10-18 g/g b+g t = a prompt delayed 238U = (3.5±0.5)x10-18 g/g b+g DT = |tprompt – t delayed| t = (214Po:a) = 237 ms a motoki@NDM03
Delayed coincidence motoki@NDM03
Vertex position after delayed coincidence motoki@NDM03
Prompt Delayed motoki@NDM03
KamLAND result Mar. 4 – Oct. 6, 2002 162 ton•yr (145.1 days) Observed 54 events (E>2.6MeV) Background 1 ± 1 events Expected 86.8 ± 5.6 events Geo Neutrino: 0 – 110 TW (95 % C.L.) motoki@NDM03
Spectral Distortion? Need more reactor neutrino and calibration data 2- oscillation: best-fit No oscillation, flux suppression Data and best oscillation fit consistent at 93% C.L. Data and scaled no-oscillation shape consistent at 53% C.L Need more reactor neutrino and calibration data motoki@NDM03
KamLAND impacts 95%CL LMA 2 LMA 1 KamLAND All combined motoki@NDM03
KamLAND Prospects Neutrino Oscillation? Precision measurements 7Be Energy Spectrum distortion? Current reactor power in Japan ~50%. A new reactor is coming. LMA 1 or LMA2 7Be Purification system improvement motoki@NDM03
LMA I, LMA II Before and After New Reactor “Shika” motoki@NDM03
KamLAND Solar motoki@NDM03
Summary Last year Future KamLAND saw a clear deficit in reactor neutrinos. Future KamLAND purification system will be improved for 7Be Solar Neutrino detection. Stable data taking during reactor shutdown. LMA1,LMA2 will be decided. motoki@NDM03
Appendix motoki@NDM03
Solar Neutrino at KamLAND First observation of real time 7Be neutrinos motoki@NDM03