The QSArray is Built, Patented & Proven
Executive Summary QuadraScan Technologies has developed a patented* technology that targets a significant quality, production and manufacturing related problem, leak detection and location. The Problem detection of leaks and/or build variation is an integral part of Quality Control (QC). However, OEM’s have traditionally relied on subjective test processes utilizing water, which is potentially damaging, costly, and raise environmental and plant safety issues. The Solution, the QSArray V 2 identifies and locates leak points and/or build variation in a non-destructive fashion. Our technology utilizes ultrasound to test the “sealed effectiveness” of closed compartments. This technology provides an accurate, repeatable, and unbiased data instrument empowering the manufacturer to adopt a quantitative scale of measurement The QSArray is Built, Patented & Proven * patent #
A Better Test with Less Cost and More Quantitative Data Cost The Array 1-time Installation fee Per Test Fee Decreased Labor Costs Less Plant Floor Space Green Test Test Costs/Considerations Construction Cost Annual Maintenance Labor Costs Plant Floor Space The ArrayWater Testing
What The QSArray Does - The Benefit The QSArray utilizes ultrasound energy to test the “sealed effectiveness” of a vehicle. The QSArray will provide an immediate return on investment by; –Enhancing the plants quality control process –Providing quantitative data regarding variations during production –Creating an archived UltraSound “Fingerprint” –Opening valuable plant floor space. –Eliminating water test labor and maintenance costs. –Creating a positive impact on environmental and safety standards by eliminating water and chemicals.
The Evolution of The Array QSArray V 2 - November 2007 Moving beyond detection to pinpointing intrusions
Graphical Display of Test Results Generation 1.0The QSArray V 2
Today - The QSArray V 2
Manufacturing and Acoustic Partners Weldmation was founded in 1961, and is a full service provider for the automotive, heavy equipment and defense industries specializing in robotic assembly systems Brüel & Kjær is a world leading manufacturer and supplier of sound and vibration solutions with 900 employees and offices in 55 countries.
QuadraScan provides quantitative data for leak location, prediction and prevention. US Patent 6,983,642 System and method for automatically judging the sealing effectiveness of a sealed compartment. (1. Apparatus for automatically indicating sealing effectiveness of a sealed compartment..) For additional information contact; Warren Brown (615)