Learning Analytics, New Technologies, and Improved Learning George Siemens Oct 19, 2015 OSU
I worry that the social and equitable contribution of universities in society will not remain as they undergo stunning and dramatic restructuring
“If the ladder of educational opportunity rises high at the doors of some youth and scarcely rises at the doors of others, while at the same time formal education is made a prerequisite to occupational and social advance, then education may become the means, not of eliminating race and class distinctions, but of deepening and solidifying them.” President Truman, 1947
The problem space
Equity of access Under represented learners Quality of learning Opportunities for success
Income inequality: “The defining challenge of our time”
Student profiles Diversifying (OECD) Less than 50% now full time (US Census Bureau) N%C2%B015.pdf
Favours women over men More learners as % (up to 60%) Average entrance age increasing Top three countries for entering students: China, India, USA Traditional science courses waning in popularity Greater international student OECD 2013
Enrolment: “perfect storm of challenges ahead” University Business, January 2015
The solution space
Education Sector Factbook, 2012
Ed-tech startups With transformations already underway in news, music, videos/movies, startup gold rush now turning focus to education
This system is being unbundled & rebundled, creating new power and influence structures
Technology in education
This is the background of new teaching/technology use: 1.Growing income inequality 2.New learner profile 3.Systemic change (unbundling & rebundling)
Much of it starts in openness (free software, open source, and eventually open education)
This idea of building on the accepted foundations of knowledge, the basis of scientific culture, naturally passed into the ethos of the computing world with the advent of the first computer networks in the 60's and 70's. They recognised that they could never fully harness the vast and quickly evolving power of these computers if they worked in isolation. de Grancy et al. 2004
“anything artificially put in to stop people from running a program is simply a deliberate bug” Stallman, 1996
Four Generations of Educational Technology 1.Basic tech use: CBT, website 2.ERP-type learning systems (LMS/CMS) 3.Fragmentation: Web 2.0, social media, competency, adaptive/personalized 4.Distributed & networked
Technology is intertwined with power shifts in society
But, the power shift also creates Pareto’s Palace for top companies
Parallel developing partners: Adaptive and personalized learning PlatformPublisher KnewtonPearson Smart SparrowMcGraw-Hill Desire2Learnadaptcourseware LoudCloudCMU OLI
Learners who own their content, spaces, and learning
Framework for understanding future technology infrastructure Control between learner and faculty/institution, including structured and unstructured learning activities Ownership of data and content – the learner or the institution Integration – loosely coupled with data exchange happening through APIs and related industry standards or tightly connected with enterprise level systems Structure - centralized and decentralized teaching and learning approaches
In: Siemens, Gasevic, & Dawson (eds), 2015
To understand what tomorrow’s education system will look like, the technologies that we will use, and how we will teach, we have to understand the architecture of information today: how is it created how is it shared how is it iterated how is it controlled?
Preparation for future technology use is a mindset shift : experimental, acceptance of ambiguity, recognition of complexity, participatory pedagogy, flexible control points
Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for the purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs. LAK11 Conference
Analytics is the process of developing actionable insights through problem definition and the application of statistical models and analysis against existing and/or simulated future data Cooper, 2012
What will LA do for learning science & education Add a new research layer Personalization Optimization (move from negative orientation) Organizational insight Improved decision making New models of learning Increase competitiveness Improve marketing/promotion/recruitment