Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Federating a CRON into ProtoGENI Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review Louisiana State University PI: Seung-Jong Park Co-PI: Rajgopal Kannan Students: Lin Xue, Cheng Cui, Chase Pierson Aug 30, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 2 Project Summary Goal –Integrating a cyber-infrastructure for reconfigurable optical networking testbed (CRON) into GENI control framework Objectives –Establishing networking connections and stabilizing experiment environments between CRON and other ProtoGENI project sites (such as Utah, Kentucky, etc.) over Internet2. –Implementing common interfaces and a component manager based on GENI control framework. –Deploying a federated operation and sharing integrating experience with ProtoGENI and other GENI control framework groups. August 30, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 Milestone & QSR Status IDMilestoneStatusOn Time? On Wiki? GPO signoff? S2.a Identify POC for GENI Prototype Response and Escalation Group PI is the POCOn Time Comple ted Done S2.bEstablish 10Gbps connection between LONI and Internet2 Established a connection between LONI and BBN through Internet2 < 2months late Comple ted S2.cEstablish and test 10Gbps connection between CRON and ProtoGENI through LONI and Internet2 Established and tested a 10Gbps connection through ION service of Internet2 < 2months late Comple ted S2.dCRON Rspec definitionCompleted a CRON RSpec definitionOn Time Comple ted Done S2.eSite authority and component manager ready Completed component manager and registered it to Utah clearing house < 2months late Comple ted S2.fReport on experiment over the federation among CRON, LONI, and ProtoGENI sites Under development and experiments will be ready at the October In progres s QSR: 1Q2010SubmittedOn time QSR: 2Q2010SubmittedOn time August 30, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 Accomplishments 1: Advancing GENI Spiral 2 Goals Integration –Integrated CRON resources with ProtoGENI resources Interoperability –CRON aggregate manager has been based on the ProtoGENI aggregate manager which supports interoperability among different control frameworks Establishing a GENI measurement architecture –PIs have discussed about the collaboration with GENI measurement teams, such as OnTimeMeasure from Ohio supercomputing center and perfSONAR from Univ. Delaware in order to embed those works into CRON testbed. Openflow switch –PIs purchased 1Gbps NetFPGA and are installing Openflow switch at CRON testbed to support experimentations with Openflow switches. And they plan to extend the testbed with 10Gbps NetFPGA and Openflow switch at the end of 2010 when the boards are available. August 30, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 5 Issues Regarding preparing integration tests among different federation sites, –Now each federation project seems to have an individual communication to other projects to prepare federated tests in an ad-hoc way. It would be better to start to coordinate the federated tests among all federated projects together. August 30, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 6 Plans What are your plans for the remainder of Spiral 2? –Integration of CRON into other GENI control frameworks with common aggregate manages –Experimentations with GENI control frameworks over Internet2 –Installation of Openflow switch over 10Gbps NetFGPA boards into CRON testbed –Installation of other instrumentation and measurement projects into CRON testbed. August 30, 2010