SURREALISM a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art that sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational juxtaposition of images.
Creative Strategies Used in Surrealism JUXTAPOSITION : the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. TRANSFORMATION: The act of changing in form,shape or appearance. Turning something familiar into unusual or strange.
Some important Surrealist Artists Salvador Dali Rene Magritte Dorthea Tanning Leonora Carrington
Salvador Dali GeopoliticusGoodness, Truth and Beauty
Galatea of the Sphere
Rene Magritte Siren Le thérapeute
The Lovers
The Listening Room
I Saw Three Cities KAY SAGE
The Gift
Dorthea Tanning Family Portrait
Leonora Carrington
Create a collage that uses the following creative strategies: Juxtaposition Transformation Using your magazine shapes, create a clear sense of foreground, middle-ground and background Cut your shapes from magazines in a way that gives them new meaning in the collage… no rectangle cutouts! Create a scene that could not exist in real life. SURREAL COLLAGE
Learning Objectives for the Surrealist Collage: -Create a collage that uses the following creative strategies: Juxtaposition (comparing two things side by side that would normally not go together). Transformation (changing something from its original purpose to a new purpose in your collage. Example: someone’s chin becomes a mountain in your collage. -Using a compatible color palette (colors that cooperate with each other), create a clear sense of foreground, middle-ground and background -Cut your shapes from magazines in a way that gives them new meaning in the collage… no rectangle cutouts! Experiment with a variety of cut edges to create visual pathways between photo sources. Create a scene that could not exist in real life.