page 1 PACS NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena Update on SPIRE Photometer Pipeline Kevin Xu NHSC/IPAC on behalf of the SPIRE ICC
PACS page 2 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena What’s New in HIPE 9.1 Improved map-making, with destriper in standard processing Electrical crosstalk correction (significant for very bright sources) NaiveMapper has two options for estimating flux in a sky pixel: simple average (the only option before HIPE 9) inverse variance weighted mean “Cooler Burps” correction in user pipeline scripts New versions of two point source photometry tasks: Timeline Fitter Sussextractor Two new “SPIRE Useful scripts”: Photometer Bolometer Finder Photometer Calculate Ephemeris SSO Position ✔
PACS page 3 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena Destriper Destriper (replacing the median baseline remover as pipeline default): Minimize map stripes by adjusting the baseline subtraction (median or polynomial) iteratively using the naïve mapper. 3 Median Baseline Remover: Destriper: For more information, see the Destriper’s webpage:
PACS page 4 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena What’s New in HIPE 9.1 Improved map-making, with destriper in standard processing Electrical crosstalk correction (significant for very bright sources) NaiveMapper has two options for estimating flux in a sky pixel: simple average (the only option before HIPE 9) inverse variance weighted mean “Cooler Burps” correction in user pipeline scripts New versions of two point source photometry tasks: Timeline Fitter Sussextractor Two new “SPIRE Useful scripts”: Photometer Bolometer Finder Photometer Calculate Ephemeris SSO Position ✔ ✔ ✔
PACS page 5 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena What’s New in HIPE 9.1 Improved map-making, with destriper in standard processing Electrical crosstalk correction (significant for very bright sources) NaiveMapper has two options for estimating flux in a sky pixel: simple average (the only option before HIPE 9) inverse variance weighted mean “Cooler Burps” correction in user pipeline scripts New versions of two point source photometry tasks: Timeline Fitter Sussextractor Two new “SPIRE Useful scripts”: Photometer Bolometer Finder Photometer Calculate Ephemeris SSO Position ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
PACS page 6 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena SPIRE Naïve Mapper signal samplings Sky pixel Two options: (1) No weighting: Flux of a sky pixel is the simple average of all signal samplings (by all detectors) in the pixel: f3f3 f1f1 f2f2 f4f4 f5f5 (2) Inverse variance (of instrument noise) weighted: Flux of a sky pixel is the inverse variance weighted mean of all signal samplings in the pixel, the variance is calculated using the white noise of the detector with which a given sampling is taken:,
PACS page 7 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena 7 Simple Average: mapPsw=naiveScanMapper(scans, array="PSW", method=BinaryWeightStrategy) Inverse variance (of instrument white noise) weighted: mapPsw=naiveScanMapper(scans, array="PSW", method=WhiteNoiseWeight) SPIRE Naïve Mapper HIPE Command Line:
PACS page 8 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena What’s New in HIPE 9.1 Improved map-making, with destriper in standard processing Electrical crosstalk correction (significant for very bright sources) NaiveMapper has two options for estimating flux in a sky pixel: simple average (the only option before HIPE 9) inverse variance weighted mean “Cooler Burps” correction in user pipeline scripts New versions of two point source photometry tasks: Timeline Fitter Sussextractor Two new “SPIRE Useful scripts”: Photometer Bolometer Finder Photometer Calculate Ephemeris SSO Position ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
PACS page 9 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena “Cooler Burp” Every time when SPIRE is switched on after a cooler recycle, the first ~6 h sees rapid drifts of the temperature and of the bias voltage. It causes abnormal drifts in detector timelines, which in turn cause stripes in maps observed during the “cooler burp” period. After cooler recycle 1 (~40 h) After cooler recycle 2 (~40 h) “burp” ~ 6h bias drift ~10σ Resistor voltage Bias voltage An example of stripes caused by cooler burp: In user pipeline, there is an optional module for the correction of this effect.
PACS page 10 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena What’s New in HIPE 9.1 Improved map-making, with destriper in standard processing Electrical crosstalk correction (significant for very bright sources) NaiveMapper has two options for estimating flux in a sky pixel: simple average (the only option before HIPE 9) inverse variance weighted mean “Cooler Burps” correction in user pipeline scripts New versions of two point source photometry tasks: Sussextractor Timeline Fitter Two new “SPIRE Useful scripts”: Photometer Bolometer Finder Photometer Calculate Ephemeris SSO Position ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
PACS page 11 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena Sussextractor (new algorithm): srcList = sourceExtractorSussextractor(image=map,\ detThreshold=detectionThreshold, fwhm=fwhm[array], \ beamArea=area[array]) Timeline Fitter (old name: timelineSourceFitterTask): result = sourceExtractorTimeline(input=scanContext, array=array, \ sourcePositionEstimate=Double1d([raCentres[i], decCentres[i]]),\ rPeak=rPeak[array]) HIPE Command Line: To learn more about these modules, see SPIRE Data Reduction Guide, Section 5.7 “Recipe for SPIRE Photometry”
PACS page 12 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena What’s New in HIPE 9.1 Improved map-making, with destriper in standard processing Electrical crosstalk correction (significant for very bright sources) NaiveMapper has two options for estimating flux in a sky pixel: simple average (the only option before HIPE 9) inverse variance weighted mean “Cooler Burps” correction in user pipeline scripts New versions of two point source photometry tasks: Sussextractor Timeline Fitter Two new “SPIRE Useful scripts”: Photometer Bolometer Finder Photometer Calculate Ephemeris SSO Position ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
PACS page 13 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena new “SPIRE Useful scripts”:
PACS page 14 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena Bolometer Finder: A new (and better) version: See the following web page for details:
PACS page 15 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena 5’5’ Other News Improvement in pointing for data taken between – Because of an error in the pointing model, Herschel data taken between – suffered larger than normal pointing errors (up to 8”). Now new, improved pointing products are available for these observations in: See the following twiki page on how to use them: New values for SPIRE beam profile solid angles (i.e. beam areas): New analyses of the SPIRE beam profile data, with background tilt subtraction and background source removal, lead to revised values for beam profile solid angles, which differ from the current official values by up to 6.7%. See the following twiki page for details:
PACS page 16 NHSC Webinar: New SPIRE Features in HIPE th Nov 2012, Pasadena 5’5’ Anticipated Major Changes in HIPE 10 Level 1 timelines will be destriped (i.e. baseline removed). Zero-level correction (i.e. realistic large-scale background level taken from the Planck Survey) will be available. Level 2 products will include: maps in units of Jy/beam (for point sources); maps in units of MJy/sr (for extended sources); maps corrected for proper motion (for solar system objects only).